I've finally decided to "upgrade" from Windows Vista to Win7.

I'm now in the process of backing everything up. Since this is going to take some time, I've hooked up my computer to the tv and I'm now using another computer (yes, I have a backup pc, hihihi).

I wanted to install both Win7 and Linux. On my regular machine I have 2 HDD which got me thinking, and here's where I ask you: should I install them on a disk each, or install both on the same disk and use the other one for storage?

Bear with me here, my regular machine is my "baby" and should something happen with it, I might aswell just slit my wrists with a rusty plastic spoon...

I would pick one OS for the computer itself and virtualize th other one as a guest. This keeps a very simple configuration and allows you to add additional guest OSs as needed.

If you have vista and plan on 7, I wouldnt do an upgrade. Back up all of your data, wipe the drive and install a fresh copy of windows. Then use VMWare or virtualBox for guest VMs.

commented: :) +0

Well, Win7 is now installing. I'd forgotten I had already backed up most of my files. I left my second disk alone for now, just in case.

How does the virtualization work? I know the basics, but I'd like a user's opinion instead of relying on countless websites and (mostly) useless and contradicting information.

JorgeM is spot on, in my opinion. 1. Back up your data. 2. Install a clean Win7 image. 3. Run Linux or other operating systems in a virtual machine with Win7 as the host. #3 is what I do, using VirtualBox (free). Most of my work-related development work is on Linux, so I run a CentOS (RHEL) 6.5 image in a VBox virtual machine, and other operating systems as needed. Win7 is used for business-related cruf.

commented: :) +0

Urgh, theory always confused me...

Anyway, step one and two are done, I still need to install all my programs again and tranfer back some files.

I have a live cd with Lubuntu 14 on it, which is the one I'm using for older machines at the office. Think that's a good start for someone who never used any Linux?

I'll need more info about the virtualization first, so that will have to be on hold for now.

I'm also thinking about connecting my main and my backup machines, but that will have to wait until my internship is over and my backup is free again.

I appreciate your replies, keep them coming.

PS: I can be really persistent in my questions, at least until I fully understand everything, so be patient :)

What do you want to know about virtualization?

At a high level, the virtualization software is simply an application that acts as hardware for an operating system. So most of the time, your hardware resources are under utilized by your one single host operating system. What virtualization allows you to do is run separate instances of operating systems in the same physical hardware. When you set up a guest VM, it is sharing resources of the physical host computer. This is not dual booting... Both Windows 7(host) and all of your guest VMs (other windows and Linux instances) are all running at the same time.

With virtualization software you can configure virtual networks and interfaces to. So this allows you to completely separate the host from the guests or have them all participate in a private network, or have them all participate on the same network your host computer is on.

The more resources (CPU, memory, storage) you have on the host, the more a VMs you can run simultaneously.

Now here is the best part... When you are done with a guest VM, you simply delete just a few (less than a dozen but as little as one of two depending on the VM config) files off your hard drive. No change is required in the host like you would have with the dual boot/multi boot setup.

I see. Better than installing another OS and then deleting it if I don't like it. So it's like the live cd with the difference that I don't have to occupy my current drive. Correct?

Now... update on my upgrading... For some reason Win7 doesn't like my hardware and says the components are not compatible -bangs head on desk- did I forget something?

Correct on the first response.

The second issue - the assumption is that you've done your research to make sure all of your hardware is compatible with Windows 7... You need to make sure that your components all have support for Win 7. If windows doesn't auto detect th hardware, visit the vendor website for each hardware component to download drivers.

I gave up last night thanks to a toothache that produced a unbearable headache.

It's Sunday, been up since 8am instead of sleeping, just to get all this solved. Since my tooth and head are still hurting I decided on the simple way.

Downloaded Driver Booster which took care of the drivers problem and now everything is sorted, specially my screen resolution. I wasn't a happy girl looking at a frigging 800x600 screen! 1920x1080 is much better. It also detected my TV as second monitor automatically, so I'm quite happy.

JorgeM and rubberman, thanks for your replies. I will be playing with VMs shortly.

And since this thread is about upgrading a computer, I'll keep using it to post questions, if that's ok.

Glad to hear. Come back with an update and/or any questions you may have.

Right now, I'm in the process of copying some folders back, which takes time considering they have a lot of stuff. Just my photography folder is over 20k files...

One thing I noticed is that I only had Avast before formatting. I've been told Avast is great and also a pile of blah. Either way, I've been using it for years and I like it. But I used to combine it with ZoneAlarm, something that I realised I haven't for the past 2 years. So... any suggestions to be team mates with Avast?

Hum... for some reason the "Open with..." doesn't recognise the program I want to open. Program works fine, both from shortcut and original location.

Hum... for some reason the "Open with..." doesn't recognise the program I want to open. Program works fine, both from shortcut and original location.

Any thoughts?

This are my baby's stats. What do you think? I'm going to change my current graphics card to the one I had before. Hopefully my PSU will manage it.


Looks like a really nice system that would run Win 7 with several VMs quite nicely.

Not bad for a 5 year old computer :)

Hum... for some reason the "Open with..." doesn't recognise the program I want to open. Program works fine, both from shortcut and original location.

This is still puzzling me...

My original graphics card. Think the PSU can take it, as it is a 500w? I used to have a 750w.


I found a site that has done some benchmarking that included this card. It draws (according to to the site) 182-450 watts of power. You have to consider other components you may have drawing power as well.

Another site shows that the card was measured as using up to 320 watts under load.

Under Idle conditions, the info I found was that the card was consuming 120-180 watts of power.

Nice. I'll be switching back to this one tomorrow. Hopefully nothing will happen from trying. What's the worst it can happen? Blown up PSU?

I suspect that if the power isnt there for the video card, the card will simply not be able to perform.

That's a good question.

I am pretty confident that nothing is going to blow up or melt on you.

Since the initial idea is to put this one back on, I'll need to get a better PSU. Mind you, this card is a little beast. It already blew my other PSU, so I had to get my current PSU and graphics card just to keep on working with my pc.

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