
how can I make my program (I'm using dialog as main window) to "block" everything (like when u are running some program that needs admin permissions) so u won't be able to do anything until u select "yes" or "no" except minimize and exit

+ what's the message for minimize process? like WM_INITDIALOG etc..

This would be a modal dialog box. They block the rest of the application events until you process this dialog. See this Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_window

I wanna block EVERYthing, not only application

Not really possible. This would NOT be a "good thing" to do! It's one thing to block the current application until the user responds to the dialog. It is something else entirely to block the system. After 30+ years as a systems programmer I can say without qualm that to do so would be "suicide", especially with modern multi-tasking operating systems.

Not really possible. This would NOT be a "good thing" to do! It's one thing to block the current application until the user responds to the dialog. It is something else entirely to block the system. After 30+ years as a systems programmer I can say without qualm that to do so would be "suicide", especially with modern multi-tasking operating systems.

oh so Microsoft is "killing" their OS everytime they wanna permissions from user to some application when they BLOCK/DISABLE everything? too bad it's still working! so I can say without qualm that u have no idea what I want even if I described it in main post..

Windows does NOT stop the OS. It may intercept/block screen events, but that is NOT what you said.

Windows does NOT stop the OS. It may intercept/block screen events, but that is NOT what you said.

maybe u should start reading posts

My suggestion (although I do not have much experience in Windows API programming per se) would be to create a pop-up window and force it to remain on top of the z-order at all times and visible at all times. That way any attempt of the user to interact with other windows would be futile because your window would keep popping up in front of it. Not sure if I helped, but maybe that's what you are looking for?

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