I am working on PHP Framework now.I am 23 old . I will have 2 years of experience by 2016.And Company Bond will be over ,and i will be able to leave the company. I worked on cakePHP,Wordpress,WHMCS,Smarty etc.and will work on other PHP Technologies by 2016.

I want to work on JAVA .Should i learn it by myself throughtly or should i rely when i will get other company , if they want ,they will teach me Java in detail?

Well I am planning to get OCJP certification.

Everyday i think i should have died.Coz my friends(less talented in college) got java in their company and earn more than me now,I got PHP.Is PHP cursed?Thanks :(

How should i switch to java?

no, php is not cursed.
do you want to switch to Java? then start learning Java.
but do understand: if you want to learn Java in detail, be prepared for a one year full-time course. after that, you'll have completely mastered the basics.

don't underestimate it. sure, you have a great advantage by already having programming experience, so you might get some topics faster than those who don't, but still, Java is not something you should try to learn in a "learn Java in 24 hours" course.

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Java spring is where you want to be money wise. Take a look...
Dotnet jobs also seem to command a better salary it might also be worth investigating before moving to java.

hmm, from my experience looking at job openings last year Spring is on the way out, at least getting a lot less popular.
Of course that might be regional :)

ADF is getting popular, cloud computing, REST.

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