6 Topics

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Member Avatar for Diellza

I want to write a code for Radix Sort based in this way how I made the Quick Sort, how can I do with Radix Sort, can anybady have any idea I have search a lot but I can not find any exactly what I need #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> …

Member Avatar for David_50
Member Avatar for chrisl007

Hello, as it can be inferred from profile, I am new. I have read the community guidelines and I have done prior research. I am a very weak coder(through my own fault). However, I like to believe I firm conceptual understanding. **So What is my problem?** I have an assignement …

Member Avatar for chrisl007
Member Avatar for gabriellogan

I want to modify this Radix sort C++ to work with strings only. I want to sort words not numbers. I don't know what to change or where to change it. Any suggestions? [CODE] // CS 9F // March 3, 2012 // Include files #include <iostream> // used for cin, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

As [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/c/threads/377568/1625821#post1625821"]Goddess Narues' C code in C forum[/URL] was over my head and her critique of simplistic solution maybe overflowing the integer range was valid in C, I worked out a recursive solution more suitable to my brain in my preferable language. Maybe one day I put in C, now …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

Here's a function that manually converts an integer to any base between 2 and 36, the parameter list is: [CODE]void toBase( int value, // Integer value to convert char *target, // Pointer to a large enough buffer int base, // Base (from 2 to 36) int fixedDigitCount // The minimum …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for splurchner

I wrote this small program for a class im taking, and its supposed to take an int n and a radix (int between 2 and 16) r and give me the number converted to the new base. It only has to go from decimal to other radix's. I run my …

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The End.