8 Topics

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Member Avatar for supermastereu

Hi. I need help to write one program in Assembly Mips. << read the characters typed by the user and store these characters a string. This string is later converted to an integer. If the user tries introducing non-valid characters (that is, other than the numerals 0 to 9) the …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for Denvb

Hi i am trying to display records in access database that have pictures saves binary data i have created typed dataset that populate the crystal report but the problem is the images do not display code is as below i have attached sample report Imports System.Data Imports System.Configuration Imports System.Data.OleDb …

Member Avatar for OtepTheThird
Member Avatar for filipgothic

I need to make echo for each next situation if points typed is <0 echo can't be negative number if points typed is 0 echo clean 0 if points typed is > 50 echo you passed test if points typed is 100 echo you finished with best result and all …

Member Avatar for filipgothic
Member Avatar for whitebloodcell

I am trying to install the boost libraries for a project I am working on. I extracted the archive to C:\boost_1_55_0, opened a command window and typed bootstrap.bat mingw as indicated on this site. In response, I receive the error message "\MikTeX was unexpected at this time". The only solution …

Member Avatar for soche123

How is it possible that if I type A in a textfield, that is added to String variable which is empty and I can then pass that string as a argument to a textfield for display what I typed. for example: String letter2=""; if(ke.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_A) letter2=letter2+"a"; btextfield.setText(letter2);

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

I created a form with datagridview for a list of clients. Now, I want to add a Search funtionality for my list, so that the user can just type in the value he wants to see and the row with that value will get selected. Also, I want to add …

Member Avatar for airhalynn101
Member Avatar for newbi11

Hey everyone Please i would like to create a kind of quotation form with 2 ends (front and back). The front end would be a text box and a submit button and the back end would supply the response to the query / request that was inputed in the textbox …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. I have a quick question is anyone able to assist me in saving a password file. I encrypted my password and so I want to save the salt and the encrypted password(which are byte arrays). I tried using a properties file, but I soon found out that …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

The End.