15 Topics

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Member Avatar for DS9596

The output comes out wrong it should be different: //This is what I have Enter a sentence: Today Is Thr Jan, 2015 Number of uppercase letters.........2 Number of digits....................2 Number of vowels....................2 Press any key to continue . . . //The output should look like this: Enter a sentence: Today …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

I have a problem with my code. I suppose to input a string ans output to all caps. But then, I output is nothing. ![09219e4acd73eb0184487c54b207c04f](/attachments/large/4/09219e4acd73eb0184487c54b207c04f.png "09219e4acd73eb0184487c54b207c04f") TITLE LAB TUTORIAL 1 .model small .stack 100h .data msg1 db "Enter a string: $" msg2 db "Output: $" msg3 db "Number of characters: …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for Prashant_4

dear friends, I am a beginner in c programming and I have learned the c++, java as well, In C I have been asked for a question about how to convert lower case string like any name into uppercase, and i have read a program for it by pointers and …

Member Avatar for naveen1993
Member Avatar for Diego_4

# I want to print a string in uppercase and backwards# string = raw_input ("Favor ingrese su cadena-> ") print string.upper() #this one prints only in uppercase# `HELLO` #I want to print it backwards# `OLLEH`

Member Avatar for mosquitohippy
Member Avatar for Isabella Angeliese

Hi! I have just started on c++ and have encountered Expression: (unsigned)(c+1) <=256 Error when I am trying to run the program. The program is suppose to generate an array of letters (lowercase and uppercase) of size from 15 to 25. After the generation, using ONLY one while-loop, try to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for moon.fall.58

I seem to be having difficulty with my code, I have tried many different ways but I can't seem to figure out how to implement some things. I'm also not sure how to setup my menu so only certain functions are called. 1. Adding a if statement under ShowMenu to …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for babi.meloo

I need to create a palindrome tester program that ignores spaces, punctuation and uppercase/lowercase to determine if the string given to the user is a palindrome (same beginning to end as end to beginning). HERE'S WHAT I HAVE SO FAR: String str, another = "y"; int left, right; Scanner scan …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for superchica08

hello everyone I really need help so I have to make functions that find vowels, digits and uppercase and lowercase letters from a sentence inputted. So i was able to do it all in main but i cant seem to make the new program work with the functions properly, it …

Member Avatar for superchica08
Member Avatar for spixy

this is a little bit confusing, but can I know what does each part of this codes means.. especially those ptr, something. i understand those mov.. but the others aren't. i have googled a lot, but still can't understand.. what i know: the basic structure of tasm(.stack, .data, .code, and …

Member Avatar for spixy
Member Avatar for aishapot

Hello i want to the textbox that when I start to type in names it should be like this [B]Camille Aisha Cordova[/B] How do I do this?

Member Avatar for aishapot
Member Avatar for pivotcity

just asking for assistance with the menu items as they are set to uppercase M, R, C, X in the case statements how can this be modified to accept 'm' or 'M' as valid input. [CODE] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace PracticalTest5 { class …

Member Avatar for Singlem
Member Avatar for dnk

Hi, I try to change all first letter of the words in the textbox to uppercase. THis how far i try to change it but just the first word not the entire words. [CODE] Private Sub txtQuote_Change() txtQuote.Text = UCase$(Left(txtQuote.Text, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(txtQuote.Text, 2)) txtQuote.SelStart = Len(txtQuote.Text) End Sub [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for dnk
Member Avatar for niket_voldy

I have table with Columns : EmployeeName,EmployeeDetails,BirthDate,WorkStatus I want to take these column names and create new table or column with result like Employee,Name Employee,Details Birth,Date Work,Status Basically I just want to separate table name after detecting uppercase.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for makibao

PLease help me !! how can i uppercase the half only of the string and the half is in lower case??

Member Avatar for makibao
Member Avatar for Shankye

The End.