Is someone get a Job from these job offers from a Dani Web site ?
Administrators , Moderators and all others who have a relationship have no right to answer .

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>>Administrators , Moderators and all others who have a relationship have no right to answer .

Ok -- stop me :) Don't know if they get any of the jobs or not since most people probably deal directly with the company offering the jobs rather then posting in DaniWeb.

Is someone get a Job from these job offers from a Dani Web site ?
Administrators , Moderators and all others who have a relationship have no right to answer .

you dont make much sense. If you mean, do people get jobs from the job offers page, then i would answer yes (i have heard no complaints?) , but if you mean, is it possible to be employed by daniweb itself, then i would have to refer you to dani herself

I know the answer on my question .

I know the answer on my question .

That's good - because most of us could not understand it to offer you one :P

I am not giggle others misfortune .

? you make no sense whatsoever

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