I am getting a new system and would like to sell what I have. The problem is, I'm completely computer illiterate and don't know all the specs of my current computer. For example, I know that I have an Athlon processor, but nothing else about it. Can I pull this information up somehow? Also, how do I delete everything from my hard drive before I get rid of it? Any help for a newbie who can only surf the internet would be appreciated!!

First step is to right click on My Computer on your desktop and then click on Properties. It should tell the Mhz/Ghz of your machine in addition to how much RAM you have.

I suggest trying a program like Belark Advisor witch will tell you all of the hardware, software and other devices that you have on your computer. I'll get the link in a minute.

Belarc Advisor will tell you the following

Serial number
Motherboard's make and model
BIOS information
Bus clock
System model
Memory modules
Installed software.

The file is only 559 KB

You can get it here:

You could also try downloading it from download.com

Hope this helps :P

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