I have short beard want to grow fast But How? Kindly Help to find best one

Schol-R-LEA commented: The best way to get a beard that I know of is to meet a woman in a lesbian bar who needs to get married to a man for some reason. :-) +0

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I think I could have a sex change, and grow out a full beard, quicker than I could learn how to convincingly photoshop a photo of myself.

commented: Is this a photoshop challenge for me? Since retiring I do a lot more graphic editing! +0

Is this a photoshop challenge for me?

Are your photoshop skills really good enough to be convincing? I have 15 years of PS experience and can barely make a convincing stick figure with Adobe Illustrator.

commented: WooHoo! I guess we could have a contest! I'll be busy for a few days but maybe for the Meta? I'm more of a cartoon/meme maker at the moment. +0

LOL! I'll give you a 1 out of 10 for realism. But ... who is that?!

I grabbed it off the Danielle Horowitz twitter page. You have a wide variety of looks in different pictures so I didn't know if that was you or not. It was the only one I found that was big enough to work with.

I don’t have a Danielle Horowitz Twitter page. My only Twitter handle is @DaniWeb. Also that’s not me haha.

But I will give you that I agree I tend to look very different based on my hair. It’s been short, long, straight, curly, wavy, brown, black, gray, and red, with bangs and without, all in the past 15 years.

OK, we need to have a talk about your computer literacy skills here, Jim.

I discovered said "Danielle Horowitz" twitter account you're referring to.

Firstly, the girl with the french bulldog in the profile picture is most definitely not me.

Secondly, the latest tweet she made, in which you copied the picture to use, is a retweet of a selfie posted by an LA actress named Jenna Fischer.

Because I don't have a twitter account (gasp) I don't have access to more than just the top bits as teasers.

Best I could do. I had my son do the previous whoops. My gimp and artistic skills are pretty much limited to removing scratches from old scanned photos.


commented: What have I done (me...) Anyway, perfection. +0

You just made it worse. So your son, who has now spent many, many hours with me, and saw me fairly recently, thought that random actress was me?

Not that son. You haven't met Andrew. Adam's off in the Alps somewhere at the moment.

So exactly how big a hole have I dug myself into?

And if you want to see something really scary I could post a picture of me WITHOUT the beard. The last time I shaved it off and looked in the mirror I was freaked out.

Sorry to break your heart, but there is no proven way to help you grow a beard faster. You must have seen a lot of ads about beard growth vitalizer and beard oils, but trust me, they are nothing but just a waste of money. Like your height and body type, your beard is also genetic, there are methods to make your beard softer, stronger, etc., but for growing your beard faster, there is no method available except for surgery. Therefore, don’t worry if you have the genetics; you will have proper beard growth eventually.

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