I wanted to donate 10€ (not a lot, I know) to DaniWeb, I went over to donation page, it asked me how much I wanted to donate. Later it asked me to log in into PayPal, after I did this, website I had in-front of my nose just wouldn't let me through unless I bound my bank account to PayPal which I don't wanna do.

Can't Dani just let us donate without having PayPal accounts verified?

Member Avatar for diafol

Are you asking about PayPal's insistance about linking to bank accounts in general? Is DW doing something strange to with your PP account that other payees don't? Not sure I understand.

I believe there is a link somewhere on the Paypal check out page that lets you pay via credit card instead of via bank account.

I think the poster is wanting to pay via paypal, but with an unverified account.

Some people accept that, others do not.

I'm surprised Daniweb donation system does not to be honest.

Are you asking about PayPal's insistance about linking to bank accounts in general?

No, I just press donate button, input the 10 euro value, then log in, then it won't let me through.

Is DW doing something strange to with your PP account that other payees don't?

Yes... when I want to pay for other servies, it just tells me "You want to pay to XYZ amount of money: XYZ$", it just asks me to log in, and just keeping pressing "Next" solves "the problem". DaniWeb donation requires me to verify my bank account.

I believe there is a link somewhere on the Paypal check out page that lets you pay via credit card instead of via bank account.


I think the poster is wanting to pay via paypal, but with an unverified account.

Indeed that's the situation.

Member Avatar for diafol

Ah, I see. Well I'm linked so makes no odds to me. That is odd. I thought the whole point of PP is that it was up to you how you paid.

Yeah, we're just using PayPal's standard donation feature. Unless you have to be verified to make a donation as opposed to just pay for something? I'm not sure without Googling it, and unfortunately I'm sick with a cold right now and not really in the mood to do research. But, yeah, it's a PayPal thing. :-/

commented: Get well soon :| +0

being sick is not an excuse. You stop running DW because of being sick? No sense to me.... You know well what Im talking about Dani

commented: What concern is this of yours? Who are you to judge others after your online antics? +0
commented: You have been down voted by another troller..that's how bad that is +0
commented: Are you f***king serious?!?! +0
Member Avatar for diafol

What are you doing back here? You have shown yourself to be a sad, ridiculous little man, that lies to get respect from his peers. You have no shame and your opinions will never carry any weight on Daniweb. Did you think that everybody would forget about your lying after just a week? Everbody here has seen you for what you are. You are a joke of your own making. And if you missed it everybody - just go here:


Adam Boduch, as others, were disgusted with you. Just go away and start trolling other sites as that seems to be your M.O.

Is there no rule, that if you start off-topic you get "infriction" type of a thing? Like a warning? Hasn't this guy started already 4 more off-topics?

Chłopie spadaj stąd, nikt ciebie tu nie potrzebuje. Perfidny kłamco.
Dude, be gone, nobody needs you here. You devious liar.

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