Hey guys sorry to keep asking questions that probably have a one word answer with a link but I'm finding the site a bit hard to navigate due to the sheer amount of info.

So can we submit tutorials and if so how?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

No I don't think so. Wait you can, but your tutorial has to go through moderation apparently?

Yes ... you can submit tutorials, but it must go through moderation.

Where would I submit them to?

My main knowledge is hardware troubleshooting and Windows Xp tweaking/recovery.
Would ye like these kinds of tutorials or would ye prefer to stick to programming tutorials?

Yes, atleast networking tutorials have a place in Daniweb.

If you have really good material for others then maybe you should talk with Miss Dani about this and after evaluating your matter would make a new catergory for you.

i wanted to submit a basic html tutorial
but theres no place for it, only ones for php,asp etc.......

Maybe all you guys should just pool your requests together and submit it to Miss Dani. Better create a new thread in which anyone who feels that new categories should be introduced will cast his vote.

i wanted to submit a basic html tutorial
but theres no place for it, only ones for php,asp etc.......

Basic HTML tutorials can be submitted to the Web Design Tutorials forum: http://www.daniweb.com/tutorials/forum76.html

thanks dani
i will finish it today and post it soon

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