Whoa.. has Dani decided to change the rep system and not allow anyone to give bad rep anymore? I just noticed this, and I didn't see any other thread about it... Is this just temporary or has the entire system been changed?

Dunno...I just gave you negative rep :P let me know if it works!

commented: Well I can only give you positive rep =( lol +4

you can give negative rep?? Maybe its just me then..

lol I was just kidding. It had a "I approve" and "I disapprove" for options.

really? I only have an 'approve' option..

Same here.

should I pm an admin, and ask whats up?

You could try...

I can still hand out +ve and -ve rep. Maybe some problem at your side. Let Dani know of this one.

The only people who've said they're capable of giving out negative rep are moderators, sponsors, etc, so far.

Ahh... you think it will continue to be this way?

hah.. Well this is interesting.. Can you give out negative rep rashakil?

If what Rashakil proposes is true, then things are turning out to be really interesting..

well.. many people were complaining about the rep system..

I wouldn't care either way...

It would be pretty much a system with only positive rep, b/c admins, mods, and sponsors probably won't negatively rep often

Its much safer this way I think -- moderators don't hand out -ve rep for no reason.

I agree.. but people's rep will become inflated much more quickly.. Perhaps they should lower the amount that each rep contributes to someone else's rep..

Yeah... I agree also.
I'm thinking it's permanent.

This is so awesome... now I can hand out negative reputation and no one can send it back at me. :twisted:

But seriously, I think this is a good move by Dani (if this is what really happened, it looks normal to me). There were too many idiots abusing the system, making it completely pointless (my rep in the last few days has just been going up and down, and now I'm right back where I started from a few weeks ago.)

Hi. This isn't permanent. The permanent solution of only allowing members with more than 50 (??) posts to give negative rep will be implemented as soon as I get our new design out (figuring within the day).

For those of you not privy to Area 51 ... yes, there's a new site design on its way. And I'm not saying anymore (you'll have to beg for more info from Area 51 people).

ohhic.. Can I have access to area 51? lol

Area 51 people, you must tell me! =p
Jk, but I am excited...

so... no changes in the rep system soon?

I think it's stupid that staff writers don't get access to Area 51.

... and I really should stop whining ;-)

yea.. every1 with at least one star should be allowed in area 51! lol

I think it's stupid that staff writers don't get access to Area 51.

I agree.

yea.. every1 with at least one star should be allowed in area 51! lol

_After_ you subtract Geek's Lounge posts :P

I resent your idea, Rashkil, that there are some of us who only go on the games and do not provide tech help. Even after I sutract geek lounge and coffee house posts i still have over 2500 posts.

Also, has anyone noticed that the option to give bad rep is gone???

The only people who've said they're capable of giving out negative rep are moderators, sponsors, etc, so far.

Interesting. The Power!!! I feel like a ghod! (no, not Him, one of the lesser ones, like Ra or Loki. Yeah, That's it. Loki = me!)

I can still hand out +ve and -ve rep. Maybe some problem at your side. Let Dani know of this one.

Maybe I should give neg rep for your use of -ve and +ve. It's silly! Just use + and - because it looks like you mean something else and can't type. :icon_smile:

Also, has anyone noticed that the option to give bad rep is gone???

You wanna give someone bad rep, just let me know. I'll do it for you -- but it'll cost ya later.

commented: :D +3
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