I like it. Best feature in Daniweb so far, after Dani that is. :D

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Are you talking about the thumbnails of featured sites? Yes, they look kawai. :)

No, he's talking about this ... www.google.com :)

commented: Really nice job, well thought out. +11

I don't get it, whats so special about the normal link, inserted using the link tag. Either that, or something sure is wrong on my side. :)

You have tooltips turned off, but if you didn't, whenever you hover over a link a little tooltip pops up with a screenshot of the site, so you can see where you're going before you click.

can you tell us how its done, dani?

With Javascript :)

> can you tell us how its done, dani?
AJAX, if that makes you happy. :)

hmm i may look into that. im currently designing (for colege) an ecommerce solution and i think being able to hover over product names to get a pic fo them like that would be good

> whenever you hover over a link a little tooltip pops up with a screenshot of the site, so you can see
> where you're going before you click.
Yes, it was fun while it lasted. Pity I don't like those pesky hovering beasts.

This a neat feature.

I like it!

I like how it used to say something like, "Thumbnail pic coming soon" like it's a movie or something.

> can you tell us how its done, dani?
AJAX, if that makes you happy. :)

Actually it's not AJAX :)

But its not 'only client side' if you know what I mean. You must be pulling those things from somewhere. I have got into the bad habit of calling everything which involves Javascript and pulls data over the connection as AJAX. :)

I know what you mean but I don't do it the way you're thinking. :)

Now you have got me curious with that little trade secret of yours. Well, nothing is hidden from those freaks at the newsgroups. Tada. ;-)

This little feature is great.

I bet you that daniweb keeps thumbs of everywhere the links point to in a cache

http://www.thumbshots.com/ (or something similar). Just more IntelliTXT camoflauge. Once users are trained to hover over every link in order to get a "thumbshot", then IntelliTXT revenue should see a dramatic jump. Go ahead, tell me again how users "know the difference".

It's still annoying.

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