Hi, I couldn't find any info about this, so...

When I click on my name and select "Find all threads started by Prozeen" it shows the list of threads, but it does not telll me which of the threads have been solved. So, can the word "Solved" be added to the name of the thread when I'm using this type of search?

E.g. "Solved: Will Bill Gates buy Ubuntu?"


PS - This 'problem' also appears in the "Find all posts by (insert name)"

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It wouldn't appear for find all posts because an individual post cannot be solved, but it should work for find all threads? It doesn't?

It wouldn't appear for find all posts because an individual post cannot be solved

I see what you mean, but there are also direct links to the threads on that page.

, but it should work for find all threads? It doesn't?

I've attached an image to show you what I'm looking at.

Thanks for the reply :)

* Gets up off knees, and resumes stereotypical alpha male stance* :)

Not in Control panel it doesn't. Attach a screenshot of same thread, one from ASP.NET forum view and the other from Control Panel Subscribed threads view. One shows solved the other doesn't.

I forgot about the CP. That should be fixed now too.

Thank you :)

That was super fast!!

But it hasn't worked :( maybe I'm getting proxy server cached pages. I'll give it some time.

I marked one of my subscribed threads solved temporarily and it worked for me.

Thanks for that. Looks nice. Any chance of getting the same fix in the "Find all posts by (insert name)" page?

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