HI, my name is Josh. I'm 23 and am going to school for Computer Science

My hobbies include: working on cars (modifying them and all DIY work), and almost anything computer related.

I especially enjoy working with the various Linux distros (currently using Gentoo) and also really like programming as a hobby. May make this a career with time.

I know HTML, BASH, CSS, XML, some JavaScript, Java, and C++

Currently focusing my attention on C++ so I'm sure I'll be researching here a lot!


Hi Josh, welcome to the forums, looks like you have an array of languages under your belt already - where do you go to school?

welcome to Daniweb Josh!

Hi Josh, welcome to the forums, looks like you have an array of languages under your belt already - where do you go to school?

I go to school at USF (University of South Florida) but am only really just starting the Computer Science program there. I've been a Bio major for the last few years but have always enjoyed computers so decided it was time to change

Most of the languages above were self-taught....I learned the very basics of Javascript in high school a few years ago, we went in-depth with Java, and I've taught myself C++ (well, with the help of C++ for Dummies lol)

BASH I picked up simply by using Linux. For awhile it's what I preferred programming in because of how simple it is and how easy it was to make system calls in Linux (so writing short scripts was easy)

CSS, HTML, and XML I learned as needed during a short period when I started creating a few websites and needed to learn to modify the code. I know these *ok*...have a basic knowledge of each of these and can probably get them to do what I'd like them to do with just a little searching for help

Lately I've spent all of my programming time playing with C++ and I'm continually amazed at the various things I've learned how to do or that I can do in C++. It's a very flexible language. I had trouble grasping a few concepts and since I'm still pretty new to it I'm making quite a few simple mistakes but when I figure the mistakes out (on here or on my own) I always realize why atleast...so I am learning :)

Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone :)

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