Hello all,
As you can tell from the title, I am a computer geek at heart and am trying to learn new tricks. I currently host my own website from my computer, and am working on it still, it was up for a while. I can't seem to figure out how to link a database to the webpage, so until I get it figured out I took it offline. So any help in that area would be awesome. I look forward to hearing from anyone.

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We'll be happy to help you with your dev issues. Just post them in the appropriate forum with all of the pertinent information (like what language and DB you are using). We'll need that to help you better.

I am using solid HTML, however can write the code in any language that would be easier. As for the database, I am using my sql, or I could use access, however would prefer to use my sql. Thank you in advance for the help.

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