some people think section 11.1 of the Google Docs TOS is the harbinger of the End of Days.

other people say that's just mostly-meaningless legalese for Google to cover their own arses.

then the first group says that the second group has drank the Mountain View kool-aid.

the second group then accuses the first of being Microsoft monkeyboy toolbags.

so who should I believe? which team should i join? do i need to bring my poleaxe, or will weapons be provided?

>so who should I believe? which team should i join?
You should get all of the facts and form your own unbiased opinion. Mindlessly following one group or another is silly.

You should get all of the facts and form your own unbiased opinion.

man that's too much work. i just want you to give me the answer.

and will you code my senior design project for me? I'll send you the specs. what's your email?

Mindlessly following one group or another is silly.

yainorite? tell that to 6000 years of recorded human history.

>man that's too much work. i just want you to give me the answer.
My answer isn't the same as your answer.

>and will you code my senior design project for me?
>I'll send you the specs.
I'd be happy to.

>what's your email?
Whatever your teacher's email is. ;)

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