I had to reboot my dell inspiron 6000. It cannot detect the wireless internet I have in the house. It also cannot detect my Comcast digital connection through the ethernet cable. It shows the drivers are there but nothing happens. What should I do?

There are a lot of possibilities that could be the problem. It could be your firewall/virus protection software. It could be the wireless card, or a number of other possible problems.

The best place to start is to turn off the pc/laptop, unplug the electrical cord to your modem, and your router. Wait 30 seconds then plug them in/turn them on working from the wall out: modem first, then router, then finally the pc/laptop.

If you still have no connection, check your network connections: Start > Control Panel > Network Connections.

What you are looking for is something that indicates that your internet connection configuration still exists. If it does not exist, contact Comcast to walk you through setting up your connection.

If it does, look to see if it says "Enabled" If not right click and choose "Enabled."

The next thing I would do is check to see if your virus protection software is blocking the connection. If you are working with Norton it will sometimes display a small lock on the system tray icon, down on the bottom right.

If that's not getting you anywhere, try hard wiring your router directly to the computer/laptop, and see you you have a connection, this way you can eliminate if it is the equipment.

Beyond that, I'll have written you a novel, so come back and let us know if you still have no connection.

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