Is there any point to putting hashtags in your Instagram profile bio? Will those be found in a search?

Can a posting's caption & info be edited after posting?

Also, I have a domain name, and I have that domain name as my IG username, but someone else has an account name with my domain name, for example, like so: #mydomainname can we both have #mydomainname or am I going to be stuck with just mydomainname (without the #)? Will it make that much difference when people are searching?

If I have the IG account just to give my web site some visibility, how would following others help with that?

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Yes, I posted there too. I don't understand why you've posted that link

So we can track other answers. No need to duplicate answers.
As to some of your questions, I checked with a google search and there are prior debates about the tags. As such you must decide to do that or not.

I wonder why you asked about editing. Either you can or can not. You didn't tell us if you tried.

Thanks for your reply.
I posted both places, because I may not get an answer here and may get an answer there, or visa versa.
I may get a partial answer on one or the other, or there may not be a duplicate answer at all.
Yes, I've since edited the posting.
Also, in regard to your partial reply "about the tags. As such you must decide to do that or not", thanks for that, however, I look forward to the possibility of additional opinions on that... as well as anwers to my other questions

The opinion on tags has three or many more takes. For as users can follow a tag and see new content with said tag. Others note the search is/was changed to favor something else and others say it's no or little effect. The quick google about this found these to be the three views about it and no solid evidence it makes any difference as to getting followers.

So that said, what is your insta-goals? Some strive to be some influencer, others it's a company product effort, maybe the goal determines what you do.

That second part about editing sounded quite odd to me. Either you can or can't. I feel you should have phrased that differently such as "I can't edit this or that. How to edit this or that."

Hashtags are used in my bio, and the aim is to provide a clear concept of the primary purpose of my profile, which helps people understand what my content is about and promote it to other users who might be interested in it.

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