No video signal on my monitor. Every time I boot the computer, green lcd's come on for a while and then turn the power lcd to yellow. Nothing happens after that.
I checked the followings:
- Connected another monitor and worked, it means the cpu and the video card work fine.
- Checked the input power and it reads 120V AC, it means the power supply is fine.
- Checked the horizontal output transistor (HOT) and it seems to be fine.

I am now suspecting the monitor is on Sleep Mode and I am unable to bring it back. This monitor was working fine without any problems. Before I went holidays, I unplugged the CPU and I believe I forgot to unplug the monitor. When I came back from holidays, the monitor doesn't want to work for me.

I am taking this as a challenge to fix it. I need some advice from the experts. Please give me some clue.

Thanks, Ravi

if its a LCD dont even try, just take it in to get looked at, plus way wrong area for this ;d

Thanks for the response. Could you please tell me briefly what could be the problem?
Thanks, Ravi

Did you find any answer for that? I'm also facing a similar problem. My monitor goes into standby mode the moment I boot up. I had rectified it once from a technician & ended up paying huge amount. After 20 -25 days, the problem again started (I didn't operate my PC for a week).

Now I feel I should do it myself than empty my pocket. There is no beep & the monitor light just blinks. I tested my monitor in other system & it works well.
I also opened up my cpu to figure out about motherboard, bios et al but was scared to do anything wrong. I'm not a hardware person but wish to know the details of this problem.

Please help!!


Did you find any answer for that? I'm also facing a similar problem. My monitor goes into standby mode the moment I boot up. I had rectified it once from a technician & ended up paying huge amount. After 20 -25 days, the problem again started (I didn't operate my PC for a week).

Now I feel I should do it myself than empty my pocket. There is no beep & the monitor light just blinks. I tested my monitor in other system & it works well.
I also opened up my cpu to figure out about motherboard, bios et al but was scared to do anything wrong. I'm not a hardware person but wish to know the details of this problem.

Please help!!


You might want to boot your system up in Safe Mode to see if the video will come on or not. Sometimes when the resolution or refresh rate is set too high, the monitor will go out of sync and into standby mode.

There is no beep & the monitor light just blinks. I tested my monitor in other system & it works well.

"No beep" almost 100% indicates a hardware problem with the computer. The mionitor is going to sleep because it's not gettting a signal. How old is the computer? Do the fans spin up? The hard drives? How about the front paned LEDs? The CD-ROM LED? There are many things that could cause this sort of problem.

Ravithas, your problem seems to be related to the monitor. The best thing to do is to connect it to another working PC, and see if it works then. If not, it sounds like your monitor needs repair or replacement.

And by the way, those little coloured lights are called LEDs, not LCDs.

The fan does spin up. The computer is 5 years old. Though i very recently changed my hard disk. I also showed the system to one technician, who in turn told me that it is Mobo & bios problem. He got them repaired but again the problem reoccurred.
Now I want to understand everything about bios & Mother board. If somebody could help me on this.

"No beep" almost 100% indicates a hardware problem with the computer. The mionitor is going to sleep because it's not gettting a signal. How old is the computer? Do the fans spin up? The hard drives? How about the front paned LEDs? The CD-ROM LED? There are many things that could cause this sort of problem.

That's too broad a scope for simple answers here to address. Google is your friend.

Don't use one word search criteria. Use terms like 'What is a motherboard' or 'how does a motherboard work' 'What does BIOS do' 'How do I change BIOS settings'

You'll uncover articles and discussions, and the best thing you can do is read, read, read.

Your motherboard basically is your computer, and the BIOS is the chip on it which contains code to let every little part of it find and interact with the rest. That's a pretty big field you're walking into there! ;)

Thanks for guiding me on that. I'll definitely do that!


That's too broad a scope for simple answers here to address. Google is your friend.

Don't use one word search criteria. Use terms like 'What is a motherboard' or 'how does a motherboard work' 'What does BIOS do' 'How do I change BIOS settings'

You'll uncover articles and discussions, and the best thing you can do is read, read, read.

Your motherboard basically is your computer, and the BIOS is the chip on it which contains code to let every little part of it find and interact with the rest. That's a pretty big field you're walking into there! ;)

I turn my computer on , turn monitor on. computer stays on , monitor kicks down to sleep mode. after about 30 seconds computer beeps 3 times. then nouthing.

I have a similar problem.

Im not too good with computers:icon_rolleyes:

Ok my desktop computer is about 4 or 5 years old (sorry don't know specs)and everything has been working fine until recently when I got it and turned the computer on and the monitor on, all the monitor does straight away is say "No input signal. Going to sleep" and the green light on the monitor goes off and an orange light flickers then the monitor goes off.

I've also seen threads about booting in safe mode but how can I do anything when I can't see what im doing??

I tested the monitor on my sisters laptop and I got it working so i don't think its the monitor. Like I said I don't have much of a clue and i'm hoping somebody can point me in the right direction. Thanks in Advance.

Edit: Only just noticed how old the posts are!! Idiot!

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