lasher511 185 Veteran Poster

Hi all,

Recently I installed a video capture card in a freinds machine so that he can capture all his old VHS videos onto his computer and in turn burn them to DVD. Everything is set up and running perfectly now except for 2 things.

The first problem is a restriction on hard drive space as it only has a 40 gb hard drive in it. With most of the programs including the one that came with the capture card this would not be a problem as it would compress as it captures in a format that can then be made straight away into a DVD and burnt and then deleted.

However this brings us to to our next problem in that some of the videos have a copyright stream on them which means all the good programs for capture refuse to do so with these tapes. I have found programs that will capture the video however they do not compress the stream which often ends in the hard drive running out of room 2 minutes before the end of the movie (most frustrating). So i was just wondering if anyone knows of a program that will capture the video in a compressed DVD compatible format or wether i should tell him to go out and buy a larger hard drive. Any other suggestions as to how i might go about this would also be much appreciated and i thank you all in advance for your help.

Let me just finish by saying that all these videos were purchased back in there day legally and the only reason for doing this is the gradual yet inevitable change of formats over to DVD and that it is not being used for any pirating.

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