Do you know if Linux Ubuntu can be used with INTEL 64 bits processors?
Where may I find it.

by the way, the system is more stable and has better application/device support if you just install the ordinary 32 bit version on your 64 bit pc (yes, it can be done)

Well... Maybe in windows. However since linux is opensource, and you can pretty much compile anything with 64bit compatibility. I would highly recommend 'not' installing 32bit versions of your operating system on 64bit processors. This will only limit performance, and there really isn't anything good that comes from it.

The reason this might be a good idea on Windows, is you arn't able to recompile the applications your using with the x86_64 flag, so you have to deal with what you "can" and "can't" install that is compatible with your operating system. With Linux, since most of the applications are installed via source, or are easily re-compilable, there really isn't much of a reason to use 32bit packages. Linux is the front runner for the 64bit compatibility for every day applications. :)

no, in particular many non-opensource media codecs for mp3s etc... which an end user would like do not have 64 bit versions

I just tried installing Ubuntu 8.04 (64 bit) in a Virtual Machine mode on my Vista machine. The install stopped with an error that I had an incompatible platform and that I should match it with the 686 machine that it detected. Windows reveals a 64 bit Intel chipset Intel® Core™2 Duo Mobile Processor T5750. Yes, it would be nice to have a 64 bit system, but it looks like I'm hooped at running it at a 32. I'm currently downloading the 32 bit version and will try installing tomorrow.


thats wierd

Is it a real core 2?, because some pentium Ds, and some core 1 and core solos lack the 64 bit extensions

I got 64 bit debian running fine on a late-model pentium 4 HT 3ghz

Thanks James.

I managed to install the 32 bit version and it ran under Windows Virtual PC 2007. A bit clunky wrt to mouse movements and opening the few applications it has.

I managed to find some posts on ArcaneCode to enact the sound card - there were some suggested codes that I couldn't run in the teleterminal application but was able to do the Control F2 (or was it F8) to modify a file. I wanted to see about getting better graphics but the April 2007 of ArcaneCode wasn't available to view the suggested code.

I would really like to get the Virtual PC additions installed, but so far, all it does is put a grouping of files on the Ubuntu desktop that don't work. Apparently, there are some problems others have had with this, but the solutions aren't readily available (or so I haven't found yet). The 'additions' would allow free cursor movement outside of the Ubuntu desktop and allow file sharing on the installed hard drives/USB ports.

Also looking to get the wireless card working. I haven't found any information yet.

I'm sorry that I'm not more specific, but I'm working off a Windows 2K platform at present and not at my laptop where I have Ubuntu installed. Hence, I can't fully describe above but hoping you guys know what I mean. If not, I can go back and answer more fully.

James, have a look at the link I provided to see if you can spot any anomalies in the supposed 64 bit Intel processor I have that would explain why the 64 bit Debian couldn't load. (Tried it a couple of times with the same message.)

Any suggestions as to how a person could bone up on the file structures and programing nomenclature for Linux - hopefully free? It's really a bold new world out there away from Microsoft. I would like to understand the system more instead of relying on others to supply results.

I found that there were may be some people out there that want to confuse the issue more than help. One fellow suggested a very complicated file modification that others apparently followed but couldn't get to work and only managed to lock their machines. There are others that are seemingly genuine judging by the positive responses given on the bulletin boards afterwards. A lot of the information is recycled. All for a very interesting community.

My original goal was to find enough drivers for my new laptop currently hosting Vista that I could 'downgrade' to a Windows XP platform but got sidetracked with the 'easy' VirtualPC solution. As soon as I can get proven drivers for the purpose, I will install a multiple boot system so that I won't have to work out of the Windows Virtual PC environment and making it a little more efficient. If anyone out there is like minded, please feel free to respond.

Regards to all, sorry for being long winded.


The answer is quite simple: Virtual PC can't emulate a 64 bit processor. The fact that Virtual PC is running on a 64 bit processor is irrelevant because it creates its own virtual hardware for the guest operating system to run on (which happens to be a 32 bit architecture). As a result, you can only run 32 bit operating systems within the virtual machine.

As an alternative, you might want to try VMWare Server. It's free as well, and not only offers 64 bit guest OS support, but also has significantly better hardware support for *nix operating systems.


you never mentioned virtual pc before!

but yeah, you are right


*if you find you have problems with the GUI set the colourdepth down to 24 in xorg.conf
* if you have problems with mice google for it (i think its psmouse=something boot option)
* add snd-sb16 (i think) to your modules file, so it loads the sound drivers.

Thanks for the pointer, John A. I found the latest version 1.0.5 | 3/14/08 | Build 80187 and will try. Somehow I suspect that it may be a little more complicated than running VirtualPC under Vista, for example - does it need a separate partition to be installed under, etc.

Also will be looking at the xorg.config file and modifying code, how it works with the rest of the system.


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