Our local library recently purchased five Gateway Profile 6 computers, all running Vista Business. Besides all the other glitches that came along with Vista, none of them will run Windows Update. They simply show an error # 0x80073712. In addition, when I go into Windows Features, the dialog box is empty. The troubleshooter on the internet suggested using this command:

reg delete HKLM\COMPONENTS /v StoreDirty

When I tried that, I am given a message that the registry key does not exist. When I called tech support for assistance, they claim there must be a file corrupted and suggested I reinstall Vista. If that were the case, why would I have the same problem on five different computers? Any suggestions?

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have you managed to install any updates ever it maybe an installed update was corrupted, try uninstalling all updates and then running windows update. Also have you tried running the update in safe mode?? I too run vista business but have never had any issues like this. You firewall doesnt block any update sites. I think microsoft are aware of this problem and as per ususal they provide a fix that may work and then mark it as solved even if users tell em it doesnt work classic microsoft.

Also did you install vista all from the same disk as the disk may be missing the files or be damaged if you have another copy try reinstalling on one with a different vista disk see if that works but dont use upgrade use a clean install.

No, they all were pre-loaded from the factory, and each came with a different disk. I tried running the update from safe mode, but to no avail. To my knowledge, it hasn't worked from the beginning.

are these compouter on a network, managed by some IT persons?

If they were preinstalled from the factory they problably used the same image so therefore may all have the same problem. Try reinstalling one with the vista disk and let us know what happens

are these compouter on a network, managed by some IT persons?

Yes, they are on a network. I guess I'm as close to an IT person as they have. (My boss's wife is the library director, so I work on them as a favor).

If its a 32 bit version of windows, you can try Dial-a-fix http://wiki.djlizard.net/Dial-a-fix which specialized tool designed to help with problems (windows updates is first on the list).

You can check which type of windows you're using by going Start>Right click "Computer">Properties

Otherwise, reinstalling the OS from the disks may be the best option.

Can you install updates by going to support.microsoft.com?

Good luck!

--The Comodore

If its a 32 bit version of windows, you can try Dial-a-fix http://wiki.djlizard.net/Dial-a-fix which specialized tool designed to help with problems (windows updates is first on the list).

You can check which type of windows you're using by going Start>Right click "Computer">Properties

Otherwise, reinstalling the OS from the disks may be the best option.

Can you install updates by going to support.microsoft.com?

Good luck!

--The Comodore

No. When I try to update from the website, it gives me the same error message.

I'll check out that link. Thanks

Unfortunately, Dial-a-fix tells me it is does not work properly for Vista.

I guess these PC's are quite new, so I would go back to supplier and get them to fix them under warranty.

Having googled the error code lots of people appear to having problems. There appears to be no general fixit but one site says to call MS which for this purpose is free.

I quote other site below.


Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from

Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is no-charge for

support calls that are associated with security updates. When you call,

clearly state that your problem is related to a Security Update and cite the

update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).

In other countries, see http://support.microsoft.com/security > "No-Charge

Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in right-hand menu

for localized contact information.

did you run this command on all the PC's
>>>reg delete HKLM\COMPONENTS /v StoreDirty

are you using one cd to install on all the pc

did you get the same error on all after the command? i suggest your reinstall on one pc then if the update works, then export the reg key to all the other and export them into the reg, i would also try resetting the router and disable the firewall.

Yes, I ran that command on all and got the same error. I think I'll see what MS has to say, and otherwise I'll give the reinstall a try as a last resort.

There is also a Clean Slate program running on each computer, though it has been disabled each time before I attempted any changes or updates. Even so, could this be part of the problem?

maybe u got 5 glitched machines with vista on them. if this REALLY bothers u, reinstall vista using the recovery program (only takes 15 minutes plus program files and updates) and see if that works. if it does, do that to all machines. if not, temporarily disable firewall and antivirus, and then try. if it works, problem solved. if not, contact customer support and bug them so much (make your problem appear to be huge and impacting your business. no luck, ask to speak with higher level employees. if not, return ur pcs and get a different brand with xp, to avoid problems. I would only recommend vista for home users, small business users, but not schools or libraries. i hope that helped.

I tried a few more things, and none of them are working yet. The director has contacted Gateway to complain, since they bought 9 machines at once, and all five Profile 6 are defective. They haven't offered any solution yet. Way to care about the customer.

Would the recovery program be on the disk they sent out?

it should appear on the initial bios screen (it'll say hit f11 to start recovery or something like that), or it'll be on a supplied cd. contact gateway and they'll tell you exactly where it is, as i have never used gateway.

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