i installed Photoshop C2 in my PC, but it does not appear with that name in the Add Remove Programs list. In the other hand, when you do a right click in an image and choose "Open With" this Photoshop appears with this name "Portable by. Ko(o" , so i guees that's the way it does not showed anything about this in the ADD REMOVE PROGRAMS.
It does not appear as Photoshop, Portable, Adobe...finally i give up and i'm writting you guys.
Thanks in advance.

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Have you tried uninstalling from the start menu. Similar to: Start->All Programs->Adobe->Uninstall Adobe Photoshop

Once you uninstall photoshop, check if the Portable by. Ko is still there when you right click it. This will tell you if they're related.

Good luck!

mm, not sure Adobe works like that.. [uninstall via All programs entry].. at least it does not for Photoshop
Go into Pgm Files\Adobe, look for uninstall.exe; if it exists dclick it [has to be an exe, not a dll].
No luck? Reinstall over the top of the old copy and see if the entry appears in Add/rmv pgms. Reinstalling will prob give you the option of uninstalling the old, anyway.

if it is a Portable by. Ko(o ,then maybe its not installed, if so then it won't show up in add and remove and doesn't need to be uninstall just deleted ,portable programs don't install , they are meant to be used from a thumb drive or what ever .i have some portable aps and they just run from the exe icon you have somewhere on the computer .
when you click on the Portable by. Ko,in open with dose it open the file with photoshop .

download and install AddRemove 4 good that may show it.or try Ccleaner.

reinstall the program., if it is still on the computer you will get an option to modify, repair or remove, at this point you can do what you want.

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