I just want to ask how do I access other drives in my computer using the command line. For example I would like to access the files in my flash drive how do I do it? I tried to use the change directory command ( cd <drive name>) but I cant access it..thanks ...^_^

... consult 1st grafe alphabet textbook for the rest

... consult 1st grafe alphabet textbook for the rest

somehow i don't think thats the correct answer !

if your drive you are trying to access is F:
then type F: in the command line and press enter

somehow i don't think thats the correct answer !

somehow I think you are wrong

Dima has given you the way to start Explorer in the drive of your choice.
If you want to explore the drive from the command line then you do this....
Start, run, type cmd, and enter.
Okay, you are now in a [black] command window, the prompt will be C:\Docs and Setts\User>
To go to another drive eg E:\, you just type...
cd /d e:\ [to change drives you must use the /d switch]
If you then type ..
cd /d c: you will end up back in the D and S\User spot... cd /d c:\ will put you into c: root.
Type... dir |more to get a directory or file list in the drive of your choice.
Type ... dir /? to get a helping hand... or /? with any command...

to go to any drive letter in cmd, typing the drive letter and a colon is enough

True, dima. Ah well, now he also knows how to change drive and directory at the same time as well.

I mean the '/d' switch is useless uless you're writing a very complex script, and those usually use absolute paths anyway

If you were in one directory, say E:\Program Files and wanted to jump to D:\Scratch Pad you would have to use the /d switch in a command like..
cd /d d:\scratch pad otherwise the cmd would be ignored.

yup, that is true :)

I bet he gave up reading this thread anyway... sigh...

LOL :) quite possible

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