Hi !

I have a question to ask. My question is do softwares developed in VB 6.0 work on win vista or not? Do vista come with the visual basic runtime library or you have to install the dll's ?

Hassan Ahmad.

>>My question is do softwares developed in VB 6.0 work on win vista or not?
Maybe yes, and maybe no. It depends on the software.

>>Do vista come with the visual basic runtime library
I don't know. Tell me the dll name(s) and I'll look to see if its on my computer. I'm running Vista Home Premium, so I wouldn't know about the other versions.

From this page my guess is that you have to install the dlls.

Mr ancient I have a question for you. You stated that you are using vista premium and running VB 6.0 in it. Do you experience something wrong when you drag something on the form? When you reposition a button in the form as you drag the button its shape alters... But if you release it it turns back to normal. Its not something harmful that its annoying.

I fix this by changing my theme to classic. If there is a way to run it in vista theme? It will be helpful for me. Thanks

By the way I'm using Vista Home basic

Mr ancient I have a question for you. You stated that you are using vista premium and running VB 6.0 in it.

I didn't say that at all. I have VC++ 6.0, not VB 6.0. But I don't use it very often anymore because the Visual Studio 2008 is a much better set of compilers. You would do well to get them too and stop using 6.0.

I fired up VB 6.0 and put a few controls on the form -- the initial display on the form was a little odd, but when I unclicked it the control appeared normally. Then I fired up VB 2008 Express and it worked a great deal better.

Yes you're right is a little odd. I can't switch yet to VB 2008 because my thesis is need to be written in VB 6.0. So I guess I will stick to the classic theme for the mean time.

Anyway thanks a lot I thought I'm the only one experiencing this

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