Hi, I'm currently running Windows X/P Home.

What I'd like to know, is there a way to put a Password on a FOLDER.
After some searching etc..etc, I can't seem to find any way of doing it.


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There are progs out there that will let you put a password on any thing.

To Users of Windows Vista, XP, 98, NT, ME: Password Protect Folders
Password Protect is software to protect your folders against unwanted access in Windows XP, 2000, NT, 98, ME.
www.password-protect-software.com/ - 19k -

Just Google it!!!

Or just make the folder you want to protect "Hidden" and hide it in anpther app, and npw ome wo;; even know it is there

Like Bob says, phil, hide em. Otherwise your wife is gunna be a little uneasy about those locked folders....
And I think we need to get you a finger sharpener, bob. They work a bit like a pencil sharpener. Some pain may be involved.... :)

And I think we need to get you a finger sharpener, bob. They work a bit like a pencil sharpener. Some pain may be involved.... ???????????????

Please explain???????????????

Hi Guys, thanks for the info, I'll give it a try.


As far as the wife is concerned believe me, it's nothing like that.

hide it in anpther app, and npw ome wo;; even

First Way : Using the winzip latest version , you can zip the file with password.

while unzipping you must have to enter the password again..........

Second Way : using the folder lock you can protect your folder...

folder lock software will be available in the below link

And I think we need to get you a finger sharpener, bob. They work a bit like a pencil sharpener. Some pain may be involved.... :)

lol ,to funny ,I think I need one to ,where can they be found .

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