I upgraded my Windows XP to SP2 successfully. And now a few weeks later i don't need the option of going back to SP1. But the backup created by the SP2 setup is still in a folder within the "Windows" folder.

My question is if it is safe/ok to delete the backup. If it is, how can i do this?


Do you want to remove the uninstall files from your computer, or remove the "uninstall this" from your Add/Remove programs list?

I don't know if there is a 'proper' way of doing this, I would do the following.

goto My computer, Windows, and look for the folder with a name like this:

$NtServicePackUninstall$ (Usually in blue writing) (you may have to enable the option to view hidden files)

and delete the folder.

Now if you goto your Control Panel, and goto Add/remove programs.
look for the Windows XP Service Pack 2 (probably at the bottom of the list) click Remove, and you should get an error saying something like this

An error occured while trying to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from the Add or Remove programs list?

Choose Yes.

It may not be ideal, but it does the job!

SE (Dave)

I think you misunderstood..

I have installed SP2 successfully and I want to keep it!

But when i installed SP2, the folder "SP2 - System Backup" (I changed the name) within the WINDOWS folder was created. This gave me the option of going back to SP1 if the SP2 setup was unsuccessful.

But everything went ok, and now i dont need the SP1 backup anymore, and i want to delete it!

So again: My question is how should i do this?

Ok, I did not misunderstand you, or if I did then I misunderstand you again... ;)

if you delete the folder that you 'renamed', then the back up has gone.

You will still have a reference to it in your Add or Remove programs in Control Panel.

if you go to the add remove programs after you have deleted the folder, and you say you want to remove Service pack 2.
Windows will quickly scan for the uninstall information, when it can't find it (because you have deleted it) it will tell you it is unable to remove service pack 2, do you want to remove it from add or remove programs list (all you are doing is removing the reference to it)

The end result = you have deleted the backup folder and the reference in add or remove programs has been removed (you are not actually removing SP2 from your system, just the ability to uninstall it)

If we are both on about the same thing, this will work for you.

SE (Dave)

PS If we are on about the same thing, I have done it to my system, and everything is fine


I guess it was I that misunderstood you... ;)
So thanks for the help!

I also found a few folders named "$NtUninstallKB834707$", is it safe to uninstall/delete these?? They were hidden and the text is blue.

Why on earth are you worrying about removing such things? Are you cramped for drive space?

Honestly, these things take up little room, and if their presence is enough to cause you problems then you are definitely in need of adding another hard drive to your system!

If your reason for removing them is an overly fastidious approach to 'housekeeping', then perhaps a little attention is needed for that, because it's sorta moving toward an obsessive/compulsive thing!

Those files do not hurt anything left where they are, whether you plan to later uninstall the updates or not.. In itself, fiddling round trying to find every little thing which can be removed is an approach which is not really 'safe'.

Why on earth are you worrying about removing such things? Are you cramped for drive space?

I find it impossible to delete these files: I get an "access denied" message: any thoughts? Each set of uninstall files takes around 1/3 Gb. I reinstall fairly frequently and it adds up!

Are you using a restricted user account? Those files should be easily deleted from any user account which has 'Administrator' privileges.

The $NTUninstall..... files can also be safely deleted once the update or Service pack has been thoroughly tested out on your system and you've found that they cause no problems for you. No need to retain them if you are not going to uninstall the Update or Service Pack, is there?

My earlier comments were motivated only by the fact that it is unwise for inexperienced users to go hunting down things to delete like this. If drive space is cramped then you do not have enough drive space. Wholsale deletions to gain storage room usually end up in generating system problems.

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