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I've set up a new server with Windows 2003 Standard to replace an older one. I exported the two sites we were running through IIS from the old server to the new one. Both sites can be accessed successfully, but one of the sites seems to lock up after a while. This wasn't happening on the old server.

I believe this site is running on asp.net, although I'm not 100% because the employee that set it up is no longer with us. The site works, but after a while a user will try to access it and the bottom of the page will say that the site is found and its "Waiting for a reply". The amount of time it takes for it too lock up varies. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes it takes an hour. The quickest way for me to get the site going again is to go into IIS and recycle the DefaultAppPool.

I've installed reinstalled IIS and asp.net several time and I've adjusted the settings identical to the old IIS server. I've rebuilt the site, default app pool and virtual directories from scratch rather than importing them but I get the same results. The only difference is that the new server is a domain controller and the old one isn't. Not sure if that comes into play.

Any ideas?