it wil be delivered on Monday, I ordered the windows xp 2pk. Does anyone know if I will have to download this or will it already be installed on my mother board. Thanks in advance Buff

Most probably (one guy with a dell machine told me) that the windows will come installed by default.

I can back this up; Dell has been shipping SP2 on their systems since about late September.

It'll come pre-installed, but it will be on the hard drive, not on the motherboard :)

They used to include a recovery CD; hopefully they still do that.

They used to include a recovery CD; hopefully they still do that.

You can get one, but you usually have to call and ask for one...

I didn´t get one with my Dell notebook...

I didn´t get one with my Dell notebook...

When did you buy it? They started eliminating media from their systems the same time they started shipping SP2. Regardless, if you call them up, you can get the CDs you're supposed to have .

I thought every new computer with windows installed came with a recovery disk.

I thought every new computer with windows installed came with a recovery disk.

They used to, but not anymore, though they should.

Actually, they should come with the actual OS OEM CD and all the driver CD's/disks as well, in my opinion.

Well it would be logic in my opinion too.

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