I need help my wife's desktop is not working every since her stepdad bought it for her few months ago. From start up the monitor starts off fine but with chinese language and the from the boot up it doesn't load nor key want to work in the selections. All it does is stays on a black screen with partially chinese symbols glitching all over the screen.

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Very little is told about the PC. The usual first test is to boot some other OS (I use Linux) from USB and see if that's it. If that works we discuss reloading the OS. But what OS? And maybe it's supposed to be Chinese? Again, so little is told so one last thing. It is, at a few months, under warranty so why would we try to fix it?

Did you connect it to the motherboards HDMI or the GPU HDMI? My computer does the same when I plug it into the motherboard HDMI.

It looks like a critical OS crash. I dealt with this on one of the work PCs in the office. In this case, you can boot through Safe Mode and use a restore point. If any files are missing or they were damaged, then you can use Uneraser or Easus to restore them.

You meaning desktop icons are not showing?

reboot. if it does not help, pull out the socket and plug it back in.

Just follow the link. Hopefully, it will help you to understand and fix your BSOD (Blue Screen Of Deth) issue.

did you try rebooting your machine? if can be some configuration issue as well. try showing it to a coder, they might help you with that.

did you try doing a hard restart?

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