Hi, anybody please help... I am currently having some problem with my computer.

I reformat my hdd and now i can't install OS. I was always being prompt with "cannot continue setup because disk cannot be read or written" or something like that..

The problem history was...

I am trying to fix a bad cluster on my disk.. so I reformat. Then i've been trying to run scandisk but I am always being prompted that scandisk failed.

I then tried to install Windows 98 SE but then it prompts me the above error.

I tried using other hdd to isolate if the problem is coming from a defective hard disk but I am experiencing similar issues as of my first hdd w/ the other 2 hdd's. Now, I ask a friend to try and check if my hdd really does have a bad cluster but he was able to check and found no bad cluster at all.

Now i boot my computer even if i don't have OS, then it prompts me Disk I/O error.

Please help me understand why this is happening? and what had possibly caused this disk error and on how do i resolve this.

Thank you all so much.

Have you tried changing your ribbon cable (the one that connects the hard drive(s) to the motherboard?

Maybe one of the connectors has a faulty connection or one of the wires has broken.

Good luck.

Thanks for the response. I already did that.. infact, the bios is able to detect the HDD model and brand.

Have you tried changing your ribbon cable (the one that connects the hard drive(s) to the motherboard?

Maybe one of the connectors has a faulty connection or one of the wires has broken.

Good luck.

are these hard disks scsi, sata or ide?


are these hard disks scsi, sata or ide?

if mo hard disk drives work then sounds like a faulty motyherboard?

can you share a tip on how will I troubleshoot if it is really the motherboard?


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