I recently fixed my new computer, and connect to the internet via a router. However, there seems to be a problem with my internet connection as after a period of time, my internet simply dies (with no data being transferred and the whole connection seems stagnant). Usually the connection is restored when I use the windows LAN repair utility. Anyone has any idea what is happening? I don't have such a problem with other computers on the same router, so its probably the new computer.

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Call your router manufacturer and have them check/configure the router.


Aha, try a different port on the router. Methinks one of the ports is corrupted. This would be a software/firmware issue otherwise, where your new computer has a problem with the ethernet port drivers/the ethernet port itself. I highly recommend updating the drivers in this sense. Best of luck, suh.

There can't be anything wrong with the router as my laptop is connected via the same router.

How do I set the PC to connect via a different port?

Ah, I was thinking this was a wired router. If you're facing problems with one computer on wireless, chances are this one computer in question has issues with its wireless card/drivers. When I was mentioning the ports, I was referring to a series of ethernet ports on the back of the router.

Ah, I was thinking this was a wired router. If you're facing problems with one computer on wireless, chances are this one computer in question has issues with its wireless card/drivers. When I was mentioning the ports, I was referring to a series of ethernet ports on the back of the router.

Oops I forgot to mention that both my computer and laptop are connected via ethernet. Ok, I will switch ports around and hope it works thanks :)

For the reference After you change anything involving your ethernet ports on the router, I highly recommend unplugging your 'net modem's power (cable, DSL, etc.) for around 5 seconds, then replugging, so the proper addresses are reset for the router's ports/wireless.

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