Hi I want to auto detect the language and translate it to english,

im using it in an interface,

I tried google API translate code but it is not translating the value in variable

Can any one plz try

I want to translate the sentence in $x to English



$x='Est-ce que vous pouvez lécrire?';
echo $x;



Can't you just use a translator or something>? Copy and paste the sentence in google and look for its translation.

so each time i should copy from my page 2 google translator and paste it right,
is there any way so that i can see it on the same page

What is the problem using Googles API's? Can you post the google api code that you wrote to translate?

@rahulroshan.. Sorry buddy. I must have misunderstood what you wanted to do. I thought you just wanted to translate only the string in that variable.

My apologies for any inconvenience, buddy.

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