Hi buddies how are you, now am using replication for mysql database from one server to other
Master-slave replication, using this article https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-set-up-master-slave-replication-in-mysql

but this not satisfied my needs, I have multiple server and all their databased replication to single slave server

to be more accurate, I have servers A, B ,C I want to replicate their databses to server D
from which I learned the command to select the master server is by:


how it possible to select multiple masters ?
am thinking of create a series of master slave replications, from A to B to D / C to B to D But I think I will get lost :D, hope i get the answers from you :(

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Hi, if I'm not wrong you cannot replicate many Masters to one single Slave in MySQL, but you should check MySQL documentation and switch between versions to check if there are any changes: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/replication.html

Note: if you are trying to apply replication in relation to your previous thread on PHP forum about searches on multiple databases, I suggested you about federated tables because it can be used to connect to multiple servers... then you could use a local cache system to temporary save part of the data queried by the clients...


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