I am just learning C++. I haven't made any games with SFML or anything like that. Just wondering whether SFML would be easy for a newbie like me. I am planning on using it after I finish learncpp.com. I am currently at the header guards section right now. Also, what do you... <DANIWEB>-users think of learncpp?

Nod to https://www.quora.com/Which-one-is-better-SDL-or-SFML and other discussions finds SFML is not a game engine.

But it may be good enough for what you need. If your goal is to become a game developer, look at the games you think you wanted to have been on the team then see what engines they used.

Closer to home, my son is currently doing work using the Unity Engine.

I see nothing wrong with learncpp and other such sites. But eventually you'll want some time at school, acquiring that degree.

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