dear respected.......

would u plz help me to learn graphics in C++.Like drawing lines,circles,ellips etc.

Wish u all the best :mrgreen:

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All 4 Replies

>would u plz help me to learn graphics in C++
C++ doesn't support graphics natively. You need to choose a graphical library or API before someone can help you with it. A few good starters are Allegro, Qt, and SDL. A quick google search will give you reams of information on them.

Look in the tutorial forum at dani too ;) and google

I know Narue will smile, but here I go again. There is a thing called BCX for free out there, that will translate rather simple basic like code to C, or with the $CPP directive to C++ code. A good way to at least study Win32 API calls.

To draw a red line from point (x=25,y=15) to point x=400,y=350) use the BCX basic code:
<code>BCX_LINE(Form1,25,15,400,350,Red)</code>This will translate to <code>#define Red RGB (255,0,0)
int BCX_Line (HWND,int,int,int,int,int=0,HDC=0);

int BCX_Line (HWND Wnd,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int Pen,HDC DrawHDC)
int a,b=0;

HPEN hNPen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,Pen);
if(!DrawHDC) DrawHDC=GetDC(Wnd),b=1;
a = LineTo(DrawHDC,x2,y2);
if(b) ReleaseDC(Wnd,DrawHDC);
return a; // true or false
</code>which are mostly API calls.

Hope I did this code field stuff correctly!

Okay, I fugged up the code field thing, here it is again ...

I know Narue will smile, but here I go again. There is a thing called BCX for free out there, that will translate rather simple basic like code to C, or with the $CPP directive to C++ code. A good way to at least study Win32 API calls.

To draw a red line from point (x=25,y=15) to point x=400,y=350) use the BCX basic code:


This will translate to

#define Red RGB (255,0,0)
int BCX_Line (HWND,int,int,int,int,int=0,HDC=0);

int BCX_Line (HWND Wnd,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int Pen,HDC DrawHDC)
  int a,b=0;
  HPEN hOPen;

  HPEN hNPen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,Pen);
  if(!DrawHDC) DrawHDC=GetDC(Wnd),b=1;
  a = LineTo(DrawHDC,x2,y2);
  if(b) ReleaseDC(Wnd,DrawHDC);
  return a;  // true or false

which are mostly API calls.

Hope I did this code field stuff correctly!

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