Hey guys i have taken part in a programmers elite competition and in a group you are assigned different programs to build. i have VB and C++ .... im really good with C++ but i have never touched VB !! now i have a project to build ... so can anyone help me !? this is the program i have to build ... im not asking you to do my homework .... this is a little request for you smart vb people so please help :(

Download the P3S3 Data File For Import.txt (the file is attached.)
Be sure to use industry standard prefixing on these objects (i.e. Hungarian or Pascal naming) and use camel-case
Set the form's title bar text to display "P3S3 Data File Tasks ".
I HAVE ATTACHED THE form.doc file to look at the way the form looks.
 When the form is loaded, read the records in P3S3 Data File For Import.txt to a listbox. Note
the following:
o Use a StreamReader class to perform the data file reading (importing).
o Be sure you do not import the first two records in the data file into the listbox.
o Be sure you do not import records that have no entries in the data file into the listbox (i.e.
each imported record must have at least one character in its string).
o Size the listbox to show 10 records.
 Include a "Letter To Filter" DropDownList combo box that contains all letters in the alphabet,
each upper-cased. Provide a caption to the combo box of "Letter To Filter" and set its default
letter (i.e. Text property) to be "C" when the form loads.
 Include two buttons on the form. The first button should be captioned "Export" and the second
button should be captioned "Exit".
 For the "Export" button, Note the following:
o Provide a FolderBrowserDialog common dialog box to allow the user where the file should
be exported to. Then, export the records in the listbox to a data file named P3S3 Data File
For Export.txt. Be sure the data file is in the location specified by the user via their
common dialog box choice.
o Use a StreamWriter class to perform the data file writing (exporting).
o If the data file already exists, exporting to it should overwrite any existing contents in the file.
o Export records whose starting character matches the letter specified by the user in the
"Filtering Export Letter" combo box. For example, if the user selects the letter "A" (no
quotes) from the combo box, write only records beginning with the letter "A" (i.e. "Algeria",
"Argentina", etc.) to the data file. If no records in the listbox begin with the combo box
filtering letter, write "RECORD CRITERIA NO MATCHES" to the data file. Maintain a
total of how many records are exported.
 For the "Exit" button, note the following:
o Display a message box of the filtering export letter used, the number of records that were
exported, and the folder location where the exported data file resides. If not export was
attempted, display a suitable message in the message box.
o Then, close the form.

Please guys i have no idea how to do vb projects ... and this is due by wednesday ... can u please i bed you help me with this one !!
PLEASE ... Thank you for your concerns !
God Bless You All for Helping.

Recommended Answers

All 7 Replies

You're in a "programmers elite competition", but you've never used VB? Sure, I can help you... don't sign up for elite programming competitions when you don't even know how to use VB.

commented: Words! +9

You're in a "programmers elite competition", but you've never used VB? Sure, I can help you... don't sign up for elite programming competitions when you don't even know how to use VB.

Well the competition said that you will work in groups , so i thought that since i know C++, JAVA, and HTML, i can do it ... but they assign every individual a section and i have VB and C++ !! Please help i would really appreciate it !! thank you crazyhorse09. really appreciate it. god bless.


Show us your code work please.

You might want to read Daniweb rules and homework policy ~We only give homework help to those who show effort~ if you run into problems and want to ask for help here.

Hey its nice to meet you too !!

And where can i post a message where i don't know anything about vb and want help !?

Here is my code that i came up with ... arrays are not easy !! VB is not either !! learning in a day was not either :

Public Class frmVideo
    Structure Movies
        Dim strComedy As String
        Dim strDrama As String
        Dim strAction As String
        Dim strSciFi As String
        Dim strHorror As String
        Dim strNewReleases As String
    End Structure

    Dim strCategory(5) As Movies
    Dim intCategory As Integer = 0
    Private Sub InitializeStructure()
        ' Initialize the array structure
        strCategory(intCategory).strComedy = "Aisle 1"
        strCategory(intCategory).strDrama = "Aisle 2"
        strCategory(intCategory).strAction = "Aisle 3"
        strCategory(intCategory).strSciFi = "Aisle 4"
        strCategory(intCategory).strHorror = "Aisle 5"
        strCategory(intCategory).strNewReleases = "Back Wall"
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnSeach_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSeach.Click
        ReDim Preserve strCategory(intCategory)

        ' Populate the structure.
        ' Note that a Try...Catch may be needed here for data
        ' validation.
        strCategory(intCategory).strComedy = lblSearch.Text
        strCategory(intCategory).strDrama = lblSearch.Text
        strCategory(intCategory).strAction = lblSearch.Text
        strCategory(intCategory).strSciFi = lblSearch.Text
        strCategory(intCategory).strHorror = lblSearch.Text
        strCategory(intCategory).strNewReleases = lblSearch.Text

        If lstMovieCategories.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
            lblSearch.Text = strCategory(lstMovieCategories.SelectedIndex, 1)
            MessageBox.Show("Select a movie from the movie listboxes.", _
                    "Information Missing", _
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
        ' Exit the project.

        MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", _
                                          "Confirmation...", _
                                          MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, _
                                          MessageBoxIcon.Information, _
    End Sub
End Class

it gives an error saying number of indices exceeds the number of dimensions of the indexed array !!


Show us your code work please.

You might want to read Daniweb rules and homework policy ~We only give homework help to those who show effort~ if you run into problems and want to ask for help here.

Try to learn/understand Generics. I have used Dictionary instead of Array.

Structure Movies
        Dim strComedy As String
        Dim strDrama As String
        Dim strAction As String
        Dim strSciFi As String
        Dim strHorror As String
        Dim strNewReleases As String

        Public Sub New(ByVal mstrComedy As String, ByVal mstrDrama As String, ByVal mstrAction As String, ByVal mstrScifi As String, ByVal mstrHorror As String, ByVal mstrNewRelease As String)
            strComedy = mstrComedy
            strDrama = mstrDrama
            strAction = mstrAction
            strSciFi = mstrScifi
            strHorror = mstrHorror
            strNewReleases = mstrNewRelease
        End Sub
    End Structure

    Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Movies)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        dict.Add(0, New Movies("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"))
        dict.Add(1, New Movies("A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A1"))
        dict.Add(2, New Movies("A2", "A2", "A2", "A2", "A2", "A2"))
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
        If dict.ContainsKey(ListBox1.SelectedIndex) Then
        End If
    End Sub

Not to be a jerk ... how would you do the same thing with arrays ... and to learn generics i would have to learn VB ... which i will soon .. after im done with this competition ... !!
can you please help me with two-dimensional arrays .. thats how i am supposed to do it ... please adatapost.

im not too good with this ... i need to do it the simpler way !!

Try to learn/understand Generics. I have used Dictionary instead of Array.

Structure Movies
        Dim strComedy As String
        Dim strDrama As String
        Dim strAction As String
        Dim strSciFi As String
        Dim strHorror As String
        Dim strNewReleases As String

        Public Sub New(ByVal mstrComedy As String, ByVal mstrDrama As String, ByVal mstrAction As String, ByVal mstrScifi As String, ByVal mstrHorror As String, ByVal mstrNewRelease As String)
            strComedy = mstrComedy
            strDrama = mstrDrama
            strAction = mstrAction
            strSciFi = mstrScifi
            strHorror = mstrHorror
            strNewReleases = mstrNewRelease
        End Sub
    End Structure

    Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Movies)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        dict.Add(0, New Movies("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"))
        dict.Add(1, New Movies("A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A1"))
        dict.Add(2, New Movies("A2", "A2", "A2", "A2", "A2", "A2"))
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
        If dict.ContainsKey(ListBox1.SelectedIndex) Then
        End If
    End Sub
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