//for my final project i have to reserve a 1kb memory to write data on,then defregmant that memory to be ready to take new data and repeat this process until i say so or the memory is full.Finally clear this memory.the data types are :real<as in float>, integer<as in int> and char.The problem is that it's my first project of its kind and i don't know how to start also the defregmant part is a bit tricky.Any ideas?//

The problem is that it's my first project of its kind and i don't know how to start also the defregmant part is a bit tricky

So you haven't been given any projects in the entire course? This is the final project, which means you can't play the clueless card.

the thing is that i started the project but i'm writing the code in a different way than my frds but logically it's quite true so i'm a bit confused, shall i continue or not?

if you can give me your email so that i can send it to you i would be thankfull

That's not how things work around here. Post your code and specific questions. Do not ask for help via email.

Well, if you were instructed to follow some sort of procedures when writing your code, and this is your final project of your year, wouldn't that be of any concern to you that you're trying to do your project in a different way? Were there any constraints related to working steps? Were there specific steps you should have followed?

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