Hi Community,

I have a problem that I am trying to solve. Essentially, the run down is that Integers have a limit to the size of the number in which you can store in such a data type. To get around that I have to take a number and put into an array and basically add each element of the array, carry over etc. I have the algoritm pretty much down except I am getting a bunch of errors that are giving me a hard time interms of debugging and would appreciate any help.

Here is one part of the add method which adds two negative integers with the same size.

I would appreciate any help. Thank you!!!

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"I am getting a bunch of errors" ...
see, it would be better if you told us what errors, when they occur (runtime, compile time, ... )

Won't give you infinity either, as the size of the array is limited by the number of elements it can have, which is an integer.

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