Hello Dani Web,
I have written a program that needs to run on Ubuntu 14.0. It runs on Windows 10 and will compile in Replit. But I get this error in Replit. Can anyone figure out why? I assume it's in relation to my pointer "highScore". Can anyone figure out why. Also where is the most efficient place to delete "highScore."
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// My struct to control the game
struct Game {
int lo = 10;
int hi = 20;
int seed = 3;
int randNum = 0;
int randNum2 = 0;
int humanScore = 0;
int computerScore = 0;
int overallHumanScore = 0;
int overallComputerScore = 0;
bool humanTurn = true;
bool gameOver = false;
bool validChoice = false;
string playerName;
int choice = 0;
int* highScore = 0;
char yesno = ' ';
int D6(Game &game1);
int RandomNumber(Game &game1);
int ProtectRandomNumber(Game &game1);
int ProtectRandomNumber2(Game &game1);
int fixed_seed(Game &game1);
void get_name(Game &game1);
void program_greeting();
int get_game_choice(Game &game1);
int protect_choice(Game &game1);
void pig_game(Game &game1);
int high_score(Game &game1);
int main()
Game game1;
cout << "C1 Spec: " << fixed_seed(game1) << endl;
cout << "A2 Spec: " << RandomNumber(game1) << endl;
cout << "A3 Spec: " << ProtectRandomNumber(game1) << endl;
cout << "A4 Spec: " << ProtectRandomNumber2(game1) << endl;
do {
while (!game1.gameOver)
cout << "B3 & B4 Spec - High score: " << high_score(game1) << endl;
cout << "Would you like to play again? Press Y to continue or any ";
cout << "other key to quit: ";
cin >> game1.yesno;
if ((game1.yesno == 'y') || (game1.yesno == 'Y')) {
game1.yesno == 'Y';
game1.gameOver = false;
else {
delete game1.highScore;
cout << high_score(game1) << endl;
} while (game1.yesno != 'Y');
return 0;
// Spec A1 - random number generator & D6
int D6(Game &game1)
game1.randNum = rand() % 6 + 1;
return game1.randNum;
// Spec A2 - random number generator between lo and high
int RandomNumber(Game &game1)
game1.randNum2 = rand() % (game1.hi - game1.lo) + game1.lo;
return game1.randNum2;
// Spec A3 - random number generator between lo and high with error checking -1
int ProtectRandomNumber(Game &game1)
game1.lo = 1;
game1.hi = 100;
if ((game1.lo >= game1.hi) || (game1.lo < 1) || (game1.hi > 100))
return -1;
game1.randNum2 = rand() % (game1.hi - game1.lo) + game1.lo;
return game1.randNum2;
// Spec A4 - random number generator between lo and high with error checking -1 & -2
int ProtectRandomNumber2(Game &game1)
game1.lo = 1;
game1.hi = 100;
if ((game1.lo >= game1.hi) || (game1.lo < 1) || (game1.hi > 100))
return -1;
game1.randNum2 = rand() % (game1.hi - game1.lo) + game1.lo;
if (game1.randNum2 > 100)
return -2;
return game1.randNum2;
// Spec C1 - fixed seed function
int fixed_seed(Game &game1)
game1.randNum = rand() % 6 + 1;
return game1.randNum;
// C2 Spec - Student/player name
void get_name(Game &game1)
cout << "Please enter your first and last name >> ";
getline(cin, game1.playerName);
// Spec B2 - game greeting with due date
void program_greeting()
cout << endl;
cout << "Welcome to Pig! ~ Due 09.04.2022" << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
// Specs C3 - Numeric menu
int get_game_choice(Game &game1)
cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "1. Roll die" << endl;
cout << "2. Hold" << endl;
cout << "3. Quit" << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> game1.choice;
return game1.choice;
// Spec C4 - Bulletproof menu
int protect_choice(Game &game1)
if (game1.choice == 1)
cout << "You rolled a " << D6(game1) << "." << endl;
if (game1.randNum != 1)
game1.humanScore += game1.randNum;
cout << "Your turn score is " << game1.humanScore << "." << endl;
cout << "Your turn score is " << game1.humanScore << "." << endl;
game1.humanTurn = false;
game1.validChoice = true;
else if (game1.choice == 2)
game1.overallHumanScore += game1.humanScore;
cout << "Your turn score is " << game1.humanScore << "." << endl;
cout << "Your overall score is " << game1.overallHumanScore << "." << endl;
game1.humanTurn = false;
game1.validChoice = true;
else if (game1.choice == 3)
cout << "Invalid choice. Please enter 1, 2, or 3." << endl;
// The actual game
void pig_game(Game &game1)
if (game1.humanTurn)
cout << endl;
cout << game1.playerName << "'s game." << endl;
game1.humanScore = 0;
game1.validChoice = false;
while (!game1.validChoice)
cout << endl;
cout << "Computer's turn." << endl;
game1.computerScore = 0;
game1.validChoice = false;
while (!game1.validChoice)
game1.randNum = rand() % 3 + 1;
if (game1.randNum == 1)
game1.overallComputerScore += game1.computerScore;
cout << "The computer's turn score is " << game1.computerScore << "." << endl;
cout << "The computer's overall score is " << game1.overallComputerScore << "." << endl;
game1.humanTurn = true;
game1.validChoice = true;
game1.randNum = rand() % 6 + 1;
cout << "The computer rolled a " << game1.randNum << "." << endl;
game1.computerScore += game1.randNum;
cout << "The computer's turn score is " << game1.computerScore << "." << endl;
if (game1.overallHumanScore >= 100)
game1.gameOver = true;
cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
cout << game1.playerName << " wins!" << endl;
cout << "~ Final score ~ " << endl;
cout << game1.playerName << ": " << game1.overallHumanScore << endl;
cout << "Computer: " << game1.overallComputerScore << endl;
else if (game1.overallComputerScore >= 100)
game1.gameOver = true;
cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "The computer wins!" << endl;
cout << "~ Final score ~" << endl;
cout << game1.playerName << ": " << game1.overallHumanScore << endl;
cout << "Computer: " << game1.overallComputerScore << endl;
// Spec B3 - Store high score on the heap and delete afterwards.
int high_score(Game &game1)
game1.highScore = game1.overallHumanScore > game1.overallComputerScore ?
new int(game1.overallHumanScore) : new int(game1.overallComputerScore);
return *game1.highScore;