I am wanting to learn more about ajax.
But I don't know if you need a database
the server to be able to learn it.

Since I don't have one of those. I am
not sure if I should move on to something else.

Where would be the best place to start.
I know some css javascript and a tad of xml.

I learn mostly by hacking code that I can understand.
Thank you.

Sorry I didn't mean to post this question twic.

You don't need a database to use Ajax. Ajax's purpose is to allow you to send asynchronous requests to a separate page and handle that request (hence the name). You can, if you want, make a request to a page which interacts with the database but Ajax itself shouldn't really interact with the database for security reasons.

I am not really sure how this works.
IQ of house plant with forth grade education and a bad memory.

I am not really sure how this works.
IQ of house plant with forth grade education and a bad memory.

That answers one of my questions. So It is worth studying.
Thank You.

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