Hello guys!

Well, my question must be simple and someone will fall in laugh while thinking what kind of morons are exist in the world. :-)

Question #1:
Ok, I have a HTML table stored in one of the columns in SQL-table (is this approach right, or should I store them in some other way?). I want to show the content of this table on one of my pages. What is the best way to it.

The simplest way is just to paste this table in my .aspx page, but I'am sure that later there will occur the need to alter the content over more this able will pop up in many pages. It will be hell to alter them all.

Question #2:
Is it possible to read and show content from .doc and .xls files? It would be nice way. Just upload file into some dir, give name, explore.

Thank you in advance

>I have a HTML table stored in one of the columns in SQL-table

Store data. Do not store design.

>Is it possible to read and show content from .doc and .xls files?

Yes. You can do so using Office InterOp API.

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