I need a auto indent program for .pd's, .js's and html code what do you recommend?

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Notepad++ has an "as-you-type" auto-indent feature. It doesn't convert previously written code (at least not without lots of manual interaction, which is tantamount to doing it yourself).

I've not used it but understand that Eclipse's auto-indent tends to be well liked but may offer nothing more that Notepad++.


eclipse is a bit hard to set up .. something more simple isnt there?

You replied while I was still editing my post - you may not have seen my mention of Notepad++, though I don't think it's quite what you're looking for.


notepad inserts some unwanted code it has many problem upon auto indent ..

thanks for the time.. any other programs ?

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Agree with Airshow. However, you can get Notepad++ to format previously written HTML:

For beautifying js, perhaps try this: http://jsbeautifier.org/

can you post the cfg files for tidyfx ? :)

Matricol (and hi Ardav),

Hey, I've always bee too busy to play around with TextFX before.

TextFX > TextFX Edit > Reindent C++ Code; reindents the javascript. Insets tabs, not spaces.

Most of the items in TextFX > HTML Tidy; don't work for me, except Tidy (most recent HTMLTIDY.CFG). I guess there must be a .cfg file you can download/edit, which gives you control over TIDY's precise behaviour.

Little time now, must eat, then prepare for car club event tomorrow. I'm supposed to be leading and unless I do some more planning and get an early night, we'll be well lost before lunch.


What about NetBeans, I love its code formation. If using linux you may want to try Geany too.

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