Can aanyone help me with my ApacheTomcat. I have never configured sever before. Its actually my first time. I just dont know how to run or even configure this ApacheTomcat. Where should I set the CATALINA_HOME variable? and what is it for?

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hey while installing the tomcat it ask the path and port no give the correct path and port no u will configured it.
and there are two versions of tomcat server one is 5.0.16 and 5.1.25. the same procedure for both versions......
Software developer
wipro technologies

Tomcat is already up to version 6.0

As has been said before, by others, I don't believe you are to the helping stage yet.

see i am only a beginner in the computer field just i suggest my thoughts . whats wrong in this ..

Than say that they "are only your thoughts". Don't present them as thopugh they are facts.

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