2,033 Topics

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Jon Jacobs has spent $100,000 on his own Virtual Nightclub, within Online Role-Playing game "Project Entropia". The winning bid for the space station he plans to use is currently being built within the game. Project Entropia, is a virtual world, with 236,000 players, who convert real cash to in-game dollars, …

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There has been a lot of hype about former Vice President Al Gore’s revolutionary television network – [url=http://www.current.tv]Current_[/url]. In late July, Current_ went live after being anticipated since early April. The network is said to be like no other TV network around; it’s not news, it’s not fiction, and it’s …

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[url]http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10320096-38.html?tag=newsLeadStoriesArea.1[/url] This is just plain scary. This is the type of action being proposed by Washington that all on-line communities should be joining together to raise our voices against it.

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I have personally heard so many stories of people saying they will quit Facebook - mostly for time or professional reasons - but at the same time, there are also many others who join Facebook every day. Thus, as an online marketer, are you worried or concerned about Facebook quitters …

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Many social media monitoring tools measure and find influencers. So if you had experience with such service, what do you think? Do you think it has helped your business finding and outreaching these influencer bloggers? What do you think?

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I read on this blog about the author's algorithm for ranking the expertise of a user in a collaborative tagging system, like Del.ICIO.US [url]http://www.michael-noll.com/blog/2009/06/05/telling-experts-from-spammers-expertise-ranking-in-folksonomies/[/url] I found it very interesting. Perhaps its a little too scientific for the masses but with the correct fine tunning or add-on tool, it will probably …

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I read in a blog that it encouraged users to visit those sites. I personally dont see the need if I am already on LinkedIn. So have you used those sites? If so, whats your opinion of them?

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I saw this on a blog and copied it down to post here to get your feedback. The author contends that these 5 simple steps will get you off on the right twitter foot in terms of building a community for your business that will eventually generate profits. What do …

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I read an article about useful social media tools and I thought this one is really cool and it was on the list. [url]http://hiim.r09.railsrumble.com/[/url] So do you think you would use such service/tools and if yes/no, why not?

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WebProNews reported on Friday (link below) that Twitter was going to be launching a feature that makes the service location aware. Basically, you can choose to have your tweets mapped by longitude and latitude. The possible benefits seem to be twofold. Initially, as a follower you can choose to follow …

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I think there are tools for every single utility imaginable. What do you think of this one: [url]http://twixperts.com/questions[/url] As a person who have used Yahoo Answers alot in the past, I may enjoy using this Twitter expert panel. But I wonder if its more skewed towards technology. What do you …

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I just found this one: [url]http://hearton.us/[/url] Imagine if let say, you like me and my post so much that you send me a crush alert. Well, it seems for now, such tool works only for Twitter. But imagine if it worked for other sites and logins. Is there such a …

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I just read of a nifty site called - Tablesurfing.com. I thought it was cool. So imagine if there was a similar site to invite others to participate in a particular chat or talk on another online community? So what do you think?

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Hi. I installed google analytics code to my site, it is not the first time doing this. But it says [B]Tracking Not Installed[/B]. Google says it is problem with them and it should work. Can you visit my site just to see do I receive data to my google analytics …

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Has anyone tried to utilize the 12 second video option in Twitter to communicate with customers? I am looking at it as a viable option for one of my clients and I am curious to know what some peoples results have been.

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Mashable has reported over the last week that YouTube is offering the ability to customize your channel. The customization option is currently in Beta but you can sign up for it for free and start testing it. My clients are just beginning to get into producing video case studies and …

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Just read on mashable how hackers are using things called botnets to insert code into tweets that carry computer virus from PC to PC. Does anyone know if there are already any protections available for botnets?

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A lot of 'social media experts' recommend a number of different social media channels for every business but I contend that there are some businesses that do not fit some social media options. Take Wiki's. I can think of a few businesses where a wiki would be appropriate. Does anyone …

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I found this from a newsletter I receive on a regular basis. The link is to a column regarding the discovery of numerous malicious apps popping up in Facebook e-comm offerings. Worth a read, especially if you are doing anytype of advertising on Facebook. [url]http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2009/08/21/facebook-security-becoming-a-bigger-issue[/url]

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There is a company called Social Creeper that is promoting a service called Social Media Optimization. Has anyone heard of this before or know anything about it that they would be able to give a brief synopsis.

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As reported on Mashable, web security software provider ScanSafe has completed research that shows a 20% increase in the number of companies blocking social networking sites over the past 6 months. Having worked with some social network addicts who use their web-enabled phones at work so that they can do …

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Mashable is reporting that Google Labs has just released their latest experimental utility, Google Listen. It an audio search engine (running as a Google Android app for the time being) that allows users to stream or download podcasts, web audio, news shows and others to phones. Does anyone think that …

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I heard an interview with a political pundit who, like many political pundits, is immersed in controversy on a regular basis because some people who do not agree with him are nuts and would like nothing more than to see some real harm done to him with the hopes that …

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It has long been true that if you want a really good looking resume you would go to a professional resume writer or resume service and they would wordsmith and massage your education, experiences and accomplishments into a masterpiece. Last week it was reported on Mashable that Harris Interactive, on …

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According to Mashable, current trends for Twitter indicate that Twitter is becoming more entertainment news-centric, talking about movies, music, tv shows and beauty pagents. The top of the list of top tweeters was once mostly tech people but Ashton, Brittney, Miley and Diddy are taking over as the top tweeters. …

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I read a column on Mashable where the question of what makes a quality tweet. The author contended that 40% of tweets are mindless babble (can't say that I disagree). The author then identified four types of tweets that he felt make for quality tweets. The four types are: informative, …

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Hi Let say you or your client wants to create a wiki. I am familiar with pbwiki but it charges if the wiki has more than 3 users. What other wikis have you used?

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I just read an excellent blog at searchenginewatch.com (link below) about adding content to the communities you join and seek to participate in. Turning this around to the advantage of those who build and manage communities is how do we encourage the newer members to add value and how do …

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I found an old post on Mashable with 7 predictions for social media in 2009. Here is the list: [LIST=1] [*]Social Media continues rapid growth [*]Business networks surge as economic crisis grows [*]Many free services will become defunct [*]More traditional broadcast television movies on-line [*]SM changes offline behavior [*]Expanded SM …

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Everywhere I go (Mashable, SearchEngineWorld, various linkedin groups, etc) I see new social media apps being announced and reviewed. It seems like MLB stats there are a mind-spinning number of apps out there and it is getting hard to keep track of them or evaluate them. And, as I have …


The End.