17 Topics

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Member Avatar for Leon Guerrero

Hello everyone, I'm new around here and yes, I've checked the forum before posting this thread :) I'm having big troubles with an app (developed for Windows Mobile phones) that has, basically, to control the temperature of a room and send a message to the phone if something's wrong... Well, …

Member Avatar for Erdogan
Member Avatar for somjit{}

![b62b330b33236e12160db60d6c858d9d](/attachments/small/3/b62b330b33236e12160db60d6c858d9d.JPG "align-right") booted from a flash drive to go into the live cd mode , there , as soon as i double clicked a flash video , the screen went all jumbled up , and my pc hanged up. later i tried to check it in oracle virtual box , …

Member Avatar for farmwife
Member Avatar for jonow

Hi, i have a form that when filled out sends and email. I want to be able to validate it, so check that all the fields are filled using PHP. I have found this website: [URL="http://www.phpjabbers.com/phpexample.php?eid=27"]http://www.phpjabbers.com/phpexample.php?eid=27[/URL] that i used to validate it but i am not sure how to combine …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for pattmorter

Hey everyone So I attempting to recreated one of my game I created in flash to HTML5 with EnchantJS. I originally got my basic images to display but then because I have to have a grid of 6x6 squares, constantly typing everything over and over again gets annoying. So I …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for AutoPython

I've been at a loss as how to convert the std::string to char (Line 40). I've tried c_str() and a few other things, but it's really confusing when the pointers are thrown in there. I know I'm kind of asking you guys to do it but I don't know what …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for waveydaveywaves

I have literally been banging my head on my keyboard out of frustration. I'm trying to display PHP sessions as values in my php form, but it's not going so well. here's what I have: [CODE]<?php session_start();?><html> <head> <title>Create An Event</title> <style> label {float: left; width: 100px;} input[type=text],textarea {width: 210px;} …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Cynthia320

:( I have an HP Pavilion dv5000. It was purchased 5 years ago. I left this laptop on last night (without the power adaptor in) and woke up to it turned off. I thought it was because it did not have anymore power, so i plugged in the power adaptor, …

Member Avatar for I am dumb

My computer won't start up? I am using a Dell Optiplex 6x620 computer (windows Xp), and apparantley it won't start up. I do not know why? Yesterday it was fine. The next day i tried to start up the computer, but it won't start up. When I pressed the power …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Triarius

Hi! I'm running the latest OpenSuse 11.4. I have knowledge of C++ programming and I think I'm ready to start using graphics. I have downloaded [URL="http://sourceforge.net/projects/alleg/files/allegro/5.0.4/allegro-5.0.4.tar.gz/download"]allegro-5.0.4.tar.gz[/URL], extracted it and tried to include allegro.h file in my C++ code. Here is my testing file for allegro. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include "/Documents/Allegro/include/allegro5/allegro.h" int …

Member Avatar for lawnmoler
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hello everyone! I've created a mailing list where users can subscribe with a form, and the results are added to a MySQL database. They can also unsubscribe. The subscribe/unsubscribe pages work GREAT, but the page where I send out the email is giving me some trouble. It says that the …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for sateal8

Hello, I am having a hard time with a easy problem. I need to ask a user how many scores they would like to enter (up to 15) and then use a method to get the number of scores. in the form of Enter score 1: xx.xx Enter score 2: …

Member Avatar for sateal8
Member Avatar for gaabyy

hello :) So I sign in to my account and there's no problem, the thing is after a while it signs me out and enables my internet so i have to restart it so it works again, but there's no problem if I don't use Msn.. I have no idea …

Member Avatar for sanjuanair
Member Avatar for halofan91

Hello, new here, I am having trouble with a part of my C++ assignment I am doing for university. The assignment is about writing a structure for a bank account and then subsequently enter values for the account's number, balance, interest rate, term of holding and deposit/withdrawal amounts. The part …

Member Avatar for halofan91
Member Avatar for greenlantern15

I tried doing the steps regarded in the read me thread by PhilliePhan, but was unable to get to the pages. I get pages taking a long time to load or they won't load at all. I can connect to my games, and ventrilo. Firefox and Internet Explorer both won't …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for changachoo

so i have a dell laptop latitude D600 and i have trouble with things such as logging into fabcebook, yahoo, aol, etc. that seems to be it for internet troubles. But when i turn my computer on this black screen shows up with white writing and at the bottom of …

Member Avatar for SillyBilly
Member Avatar for efmesch

The thread that asks for programs worth downloading has provided me (and I'm sure others) with excellent sources for improving their computer experience. But what about those programs you have downloaded that turned out to be tragic blunders--messing up your computer and giving you all sorts of problems? We could …

Member Avatar for The Alchemist
Member Avatar for mischikun

I'm having a bit of a problem with a group project. We're supposed to use linked lists in it and I've already created classes for the nodes for the linked lists. The only problem is that I need to make the class point to itself but I'm not sure how …

Member Avatar for Murtan

The End.