Hi fellow daniwebs,

I was wondering are there any people who play online RPG's not in the sense of WOW or any other MMORPG I mean as in games such as Dungeons and Dragons pen and paper style.

If anyone does do they know of a PbP(play by post) group's that are looking for an extra player. Or are there enough people on Daniweb that want to start a game.

Or even organising to play over skype,mumble,vent or TS2 or what ever people use these days once a week or what ever.

I'm not just talking about Dungeons and Dragons I'm intrested in any RPG games really Big fan of them.

Cheers guys and girls

and I thought I was going to be the only rpg gamer here! I'll play, if you get something going.

I would LOVE to play if you can get a game running. I'm all about RPG's :)

DnD ftw!

Currently, I am playing Olympia g3 - I have been in since turn 3. There are currently 214 players and more fodder er, players joining every turn.

GrimJack would you be intrested? we could start a game with 3 people and then if more Daniweb people get intrested they can join as well.

anyone play rift yet? im debating weather or not to buy it. Lol.

GrimJack would you be intrested? we could start a game with 3 people and then if more Daniweb people get intrested they can join as well.

I would be interested but would need the details - I am not sure I could add another game as complex as Olympia but something along those lines would be nice

Well it would be a game of DnD 4e played over wave and then if we manage to organise times to play via mumble/skype to brings foward faster.

So if you are intrested message me your gmail and i will start a wave.

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