29 Topics

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Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for RGStrat

Hello Everyone, So I've begun a new project, in an attempt to show off my progress with Javascript. I'm making a little text-based RPG. However, I would like for it to permanently save your character and their progress. Thus, I need a MySQL database. I won't lie, I've only used …

Member Avatar for RGStrat
Member Avatar for restrictment

I accidentally posted a lower version of the game that had more flaws, and a few less features. This one has a few more minor bugs fixed, and a power attack instead of a normal attack.

Member Avatar for krieg
Member Avatar for CJMW

So i'm making an rpg game in xna. I can move my player around the screen, however it can also move off the screen. How can I implament a simple camera that will follow the player and prevent them from moving off of the screen? I only need it to …

Member Avatar for CJMW
Member Avatar for numbplum

Hey guy I'm wondering if there is a tutorial or example code for a C++ RPG inventory system. I've surfed the website and I only discovered to make two classes, item and inventory and to use each of them for item's detail and holding the items in a linked list. …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for tealpenguin

I'm having trouble with a couple of things in my program. I want to create 3 different players and then record their scores to a file called highScores.txt I need to also come up with another game that features an array in it (i would put this in the place …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for alvin.decker

Hey! I am an experienced programmer (php, javascript, mysql, some ajax) who is looking for an experienced and competent graphic and/or web designer with whom to create a text-based RPG. I will assume the financial risk and the programming responsibilities. I need someone to make the banners, logos, icons, and …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for writerervin

Hi there. I'm looking to create a textbased browser game based on my old favorite anime. I figured out the basic structure of the data, but i've got one problem. is there a way to set the data up where a single user can have several of one item, each …

Member Avatar for 8g2h8bt9
Member Avatar for HTMLperson5

Hi guys, I was making a text based game in javascript.. Here it is: <!doctype html> <script type="text/javascript"> //Experimental Code - Text Based RPG function error() { alert(+choice+ "is not a recognised command") maingame() } function maingame() { choice = prompt('You find yourself in a dark room...do you\n[1]Eat cheese\n[2]Do stuff') …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for HTMLperson5

Hi guys, I am having a problem with the following code: #Health set here def win(): import time print "You win!" print "Thanks for playing" time.sleep(10) quit() def lose(): import time print "You lose!" print "Thanks for playing" time.sleep(10) quit() from random import randint pos_damage = randint(15,472) en_health = 1000 …

Member Avatar for HTMLperson5
Member Avatar for ngagne

Hi guys, I've been a longtime reader here for a while, but this is my first post. I just submitted a game I've been working on for the past month, called Labyrinth of Zarus, to the Pokki HTML 5 game contest. I'm in the running to win a laptop and …

Member Avatar for ngagne
Member Avatar for CurlyFried

Right, i'm REALLY new to this whole thing, coding and everythiong. But for my first proper project I've decided to make a Text Based RPG. I've got most of it done now, but am having problms working out how to make random damage from the enemies. At the moment, each …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for natehome

can someone help me make my code more simple. i uploaded the source to my website in a zip file with all the images because i used pygame and if you want to test it you will need the images. you can download everything here [url]http://2nh.co/Tk[/url] or here is the …

Member Avatar for natehome
Member Avatar for ben1996123

I just decided that I wanted to make one with C++, but I'm not really sure what I should put in it. Any ideas? I don't just want it to be some boring thing where you have to "Press enter to continue" all the time.

Member Avatar for Cireyoretihw
Member Avatar for viziroth

I'm a first timer with RPG-IV and am trying to write a D-spec. I don't know what the source type should be... tried PF, DSPF, D, DS.... I try to compile the file and it gives me an error involving DDS. Any advice would be great... if I knew what …

Member Avatar for jwmollman
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi fellow daniwebs, I was wondering are there any people who play online RPG's not in the sense of WOW or any other MMORPG I mean as in games such as Dungeons and Dragons pen and paper style. If anyone does do they know of a PbP(play by post) group's …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

I bought this cheap computer game the other day, called I of the dragon. I was STOKED. It's an adorable RPG where you can play as a dragon and build a town to protect. nerdy, i know... I didn't read the spex, unfortunately, and popped it into my PC to …

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for writerervin

i'm doing a rpg for fun but this one function is giving me problems. it compiles without problems, but when i test it, the hp stats done change. this is the code for the function. [CODE=c]void attack(dragon *d1, dragon *d2) { if(d1->getdef() < d2->getatk()) { d1->changehp(- ( d2->getatk() - d1->getdef() …

Member Avatar for writerervin
Member Avatar for Firsum

This is a simple game that I am bringing to a close. It is called Slash and Smash. The goal is to defeat the last opponent, who is a champion of the arena. In the game player can use potions for health and energy,go to sleep, heal up, eat and …

Member Avatar for jember
Member Avatar for linux

[B]Ah! Never mind! I forgot you could embed classes such as:[/B] [code]class Heroes(): class Lords(): class Phill(): hp = 25 >>> Heroes.Lords.Phill.hp 25[/code] ------------------------------------------------------ I am attempting to write an RPG in Python. I am not worrying about the battle system or mapping quite yet, and am more focused on …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for superirale

I want to Develop a 2d rpg game with java,how do i start and what do i need to know? I have been using java for two years.my team consists of two programmers and one graphic artists

Member Avatar for Firsum

Hi guys!! I made a simple RPG where the player can move along the x and y coordinates, choose a class and meet opponents. I accept any suggestions on how to improve game. [ATTACH]17738[/ATTACH]

Member Avatar for sirlink99

[code] c = new Console (); int lvl = 1; double exp = 0; int x = 1; double monsterhp; int monslvl = 1; int a = 1; while (a == 1) { int lvlup = 10 + (lvl * 40); if (exp >= lvlup) { lvl = lvl + …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for GrimJack

The father of Gordon's love interest the HalfLife 2 series is in one of the picture phone adds (he is the grandfather seeing his grandchild for the first time). I was in the kitchen when I heard that voice - I have played so much HL2 that I could not …

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for nsutton

I'm a fairly advance Python programmer. I'm am making a text based RPG which is easy for my skill but I've been wanting to learn XML for my C# project especially. My RPG is HEAVILY inspired by fallout 3. I love the dialogue options and I want to write an …

Member Avatar for gamerprog

So, as a project for funzies, I decided to make a basic game where you run around the screen and get into fights when you encounter skeletons. However, I'm nowhere near the fighting parts yet. So far, the main character only appears when he moves (no idle animation), erases rocks …

Member Avatar for Pynolathgeen
Member Avatar for littleonetwo

Hi, Im in bit of a jam here and I can't seem to figure this out. Ive been looking for a little over a few hours for an answer to this but I can't seem to find a straight answer. Well Im in my advanced portion of my class and …

Member Avatar for littleonetwo
Member Avatar for darkwing229

HI everyone! I'm Darkwing. Me and a crew of ppl, mostly teens :D, are willing to create an RPG named "Phoenix Dream". The thing is, i'm still learning, really, just starting to learn to program, so i'd need help from someone experienced enough to deal with 3D rendering and creation …

Member Avatar for zackzak
Member Avatar for newsguy

You might not have heard of [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Arneson"]Dave Arneson[/URL], but if you have ever played any game which is even loosely affiliated to the Role Playing Game genre then you owe him a huge debt of gratitude. The 61 year old, who died this last week following a lengthy battle with …


The End.