The story exposing how some TomTom satnav units had been sold complete with no less than three pieces of malware pre-installed which broke right here in the DaniWeb blogs last year was yesterday named 'Best Information Security News Story' at a prestigious awards ceremony held at the Haymarket Hotel in London, England. DaniWeb administrator and staff writer, Davey Winder, who was responsible for investigating and writing the story in his 'Inside Edge' blog had a good day at the ceremony which is sponsored by BT: for the second time in three years, Davey was named as the Information Technology Journalist of the Year.

Ray Stanton, global head of BT’s business continuity, security and governance practice, was joined by fellow members of a prestigious judging panel which included Ron Condon, former editor-in-chief, SC Magazine; Graham Edwards, head of group information and IT risk, HBOS plc; Malcolm Marshall, UK lead partner for security and continuity services at KPMG; and Professor Fred Piper, director of the information security group at Royal Holloway University of London. Stanton told us that “The diversity of entries this year was very impressive with articles covering an ever broader range of topics. Yet again the quality was excellent, underlining just how strong UK journalism is in the security space. Davey Winder, impressed the judges with the originality, topicality and relevance of his writing. The judges had their work cut out and our congratulations go to the winners and shortlisted journalists, all of whom demonstrated great insight and writing ability in tackling complex and often controversial topics.”

Congratulations to happygeek! Daniweb has some awesome people!

Thanks! Although I feel more 'knackered' than 'awesome' at the moment. :)

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